Martyr. Bishop of Alexandria. He suffered in the Decian persecution and was at one time head of the famous catechetical school at Alexandria. He probably initiated the reaction there against extreme Origenism. When during the Diocletian persecution Peter left Alexandria for concealment, the Meletian schism broke out among his own clergy, and he had this to contend with at a time when it was all he could do to comfort and guide the captive Christians. He was probably the first to discover the heresy of Arius. On his return to Alexandria he convened a synod of bishops against Meletius, Bishop of Lycopolis, who had usurped his authority. Soon after this he was martyred at Alexandria in 311 at the command of Maximinus Daja, and was buried in the cemetery for martyrs. Most of his relics were enshrined in a church at Grasse, France. Feast, Roman Calendar, November 26,.