(Magni Consilii Angelus, in the Introit of the third Mass of Christmas)

A title of the Messias in the Greek Version of Isaias, 9:6, where we read according to the Hebrew text followed by the Latin Vulgate, "His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, a Father forever, Prince of Peace." Saint Jerome conjectures that the translators did not wish to apply such titles to the Messias and substituted this other title. Father Knabenbauer, S.J., in his commentary on Isaias expresses the view that the Hebrew text used by the Greek translators may have been already altered. No one thinks the Greek text right. The title it gives the future Messias is, however, quite appropriate. Its meaning may best be explained by the Hebrew text: the envoy of God is to be a wonderful counsellor.