Martyr, born Mittelbronn, Germany, 1822; died Son-tai, Indo-China, 1851. After studies in the seminary at Pont a Mousson and the Grand Seminary of Nancy, he entered the Society of Foreign Missions at Paris, 1846, and was sent to the mission of Tonkin in Indo-China, 1847. His Apostolic labors began on his voyage to the East, and during his sojourn at Hong Kong, early in 1848, he preached to the native heathens. Arriving at Tonkin in the midst of a terrible persecution, he occupied himself with the study of the language and fulfilling the duties of the ministry throughout the province of Sudoa. In 1851 he penetrated farther into the country and labored at Bono, a large Christian parish. Here he was betrayed to the soldiers who were executing the general edict against Christians, was beheaded, and his head was thrown into the Song-Ka River. His body was buried in a neighboring village. Beatified, 1900; canonized 1988.