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SHORTLY AFTER Mrs. Robinson had had this great experience, her husband wrote Mrs. Brooks about it and suggested it would be well if she would return home. “When I arrived at my home in Toronto, I found the great presence of the Lord there,” recalled Mrs. Eugene Brooks. “God had come to our house. Mrs. Robinson had entered into an experience such as I had never heard of nor seen before. One of time ways in which Christ manifested His presence and power was by speaking through her in the word of wisdom and prophecy. I was overawed and pro­foundly impressed by this mighty manifestation of the Lord. When He talked to me through Mrs. Robinson, I knew it was the Christ. My soul was bowed in love and reverence to my heavenly Father for the words He spoke to me. As a result, my own soul was inspired to know God in a greater way. “No one should think this incredible—that the Lord would speak thus over lips of clay,” Mrs. Brooks continued, “for this is His promise to those who will cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit: ‘I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people’ (II Corinthians 6:16-7:1).” “It was the personal knowledge of Jesus under the power of prophecy that was my marvelous experience,” wrote Mrs. Robinson to Nettie some months after this. Then she went on to tell something about the various gifts of the Holy Ghost as she had experienced them and had been taught about them. To explain and to illustrate this teaching, she gave a few examples from her own life: “Wisdom, knowledge, etc., are gifts of the Holy Spirit in you. Under the gift of prophecy one deals direct with Christ and His messengers. The gift of knowledge is about men and things and places. Wisdom gives guidance. “For instance, by knowledge I would be able to know what was happening anywhere. One day I came home and found Harry away with [the] key. Knowledge said, ‘He is at B’s.’ So he was. I found him there. “I needed money. I prayed. God answered. Knowledge said, ‘Thursday a letter will come from Mr. K- with $5.00 in it.’ (That is not prophecy.) The money came. “Knowledge said, ‘One month from today (14th of Novem­ber) a letter will come from Harry’s mother containing money, telling him his father is ill. He is to go to Montreal.’ On the 14th of December it came. “Wisdom guided me what to do. Wisdom would say, ‘Go to E’s.’ I would go. The Spirit would say, ‘Stand here.’ So and so would come. I would then have a talk with her. She would, of course, not know how it happened, except by acci­dent. And I would find she had some need. The Spirit con­trolling my words would say to her just what He wanted, and the fruitful results were very blessed. [People] would come to me afterward and tell how they were helped or delivered in a moment of need. “Prophecy did not tell little, simple, future occurrences, but knowledge, under the prophetic gift.... God put me under the spirit of prophecy for real prophecy but a few times. I remember only once in [a] mission. The whole meeting melted down. It was a prophecy about Christ’s coming and the tribulation. I ‘saw it.’ Prophets see, so were called ‘seers.’ When wisdom spoke from my lips, it was simply my lips used; but when there was prophecy, it was in and through my whole being, and my soul laughed and wept according to what was prophesied.... “In prophecy, as I said, I dealt directly with Christ as a personality, not the control of the Spirit upon me merely. Wisdom was the gift commonly exercised. People don’t understand it was knowledge, not prophecy, by which I told little future events, sometimes by wisdom.” Of course, this is by no means an exhaustive exposition either of these gifts of the Spirit or of Mrs. Robinson’s own experience. As she explained in her letter after relating these happenings, “I am just touching here and there on these varied experiences.” Later she was to teach extensively about the gifts of the Spirit and to show, for example, the use of the word of wisdom in preaching, in teaching both public and private, in giving of direction, etc. These operations of the Holy Ghost, wonderful as they were, were not the only ways in which Christ manifested Himself in Mrs. Robinson’s life. The fact is that the power of God rested so greatly upon her that in all her personal movements about the house, as well as her going out to make calls and in her ministry, her very body was literally moved by the Holy Ghost. Naturally such a life, attended as it was by such blessed results—real miracles, in fact—in the lives of others, could not long be kept “in a corner.” Of course, there were some—good and even very spiritual people at that—who discredited her experience because they had never seen or heard of anyone else who did everything, great and small, by time Lord. But the remarkable leadings and guidance continued, and judging by both Mrs. Robin­son’s manner of life and the fruit, “their correctness could not be gainsaid by anyone.”

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