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He heard the noise & he pulled my arm & he said, "Go back with me! I'm saving your life! Once you've crossed this snake, you've heard the roaring of the demons! They'll go parallel to the path & keep on coming out, & by the time they scream at you 3 or 4 times they start beating you, TUAN; you'll be ready to come home; I'm saving your life--let's go!" I said, "NIMROD, Jesus is stronger. They fled from me. The Bible says, resist them & he will flee from you, & he's gone." And the more I tried to convince him that the demons have left, the more I tried to convince myself that they weren't coming back. I said to myself, I hope I'm right. "Oh, ye of little faith," the Lord said. We went on & I made him a promise. I said, "NIMROD, if they come back one more time I'll go home with you." You know what that meant? That would have meant that the missionary would have backed down on the power of Satan & the whole thing would have been lost from that day on. And I dreaded the thought what I'd promised him, & yet I didn't want to face them more than twice. And I said, "O God, You've got to keep them away; otherwise I've promised the lad I'm coming home & the whole cause is defeated." They never came back & we went all the way to the village. We sat in the village & there sat those 3 chiefs--first time I had every preached in that village. I'd visited there only one time before & they had run me out; now we sat there. The people were around, & the vines in the floor were almost letting go, & they told us no more people to come in, & they sat & they said, "Missionary, sit & speak." And I sat & spoke the gospel, & they intently were listening. We were communicating, & all the barriers were gone. I realized later what it was, & that chief SABOWO said, "TUAN, can your Jesus make my heart clean?" And I said, "Yes, He can!" And all the natives stood up & they almost broke the vines in the floor. And then they said, "No, no, no way--his heart is so black, TUAN! He's the chief of the headhunters! You didn't know that, did you?" I didn't know that--chief of the whole area. And I said, "SABOWO, Jesus can save anybody if you're ready to confess your sin." And he started, he said, I killed a man from...(this place, & that place, & naming many others...) & on he went, & he clasped his hands, & then he got his right foot up there (counting 15), & then his other foot got up there, & 20, & he looked around, not knowing (that's how high they can count) & then he grabbed my thumb & he said, "This one too, TUAN. Can your Jesus forgive me of all these sins? All this murder?" Well, what's the answer? Sure He can! Confession, & ask Jesus to forgive you. He sat & prayed & he asked Jesus to come into his heart. Then the other chiefs turned, & then the people around. You know what happened? Later they told me: "When you came we could hear you now. We could always hear you with our ears, but now we can hear you with our stomach--with their understanding, their hearts they meant. The barriers had been removed, the powers of Satan had been rebuked, & I went into that place & there was clear communication. Even though these people had all given place to the devil, & were possessed, they could hear the gospel. And oh what God taught me that day! And then as a result of that I could use that same power of Jesus' name; & then Satan told me, worry some more, & up to a couple of weeks ago I would have done exactly that. "But Jesus said, Be anxious for nothing, & you say worry, & I'm listening to Jesus from now on..." Do you have any problem with that thing? And he tells me to worry about my children, & I said, "I don't have any problem with them; I've given them to God; go talk to Him about it. Jesus is in control, & of any snakes; you talk to Jesus, go on ahead." Resist the devil & he'll flee from you. "Here come the headhunters; their going to get your head this time. Jesus says, fear not." It works. I can honestly say now that I don't worry any more. I lived like that for 6 more years in that jungle, & my nervous system got stronger, & the church got stronger. Eph. 1:18, "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling, & what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints." Notice the adjectives here--beautiful words. "What is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe!" I didn't have much power when I faced all that screaming in the jungle & so on. "The exceeding greatness of His power & to usward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ, & he set him at his own right hand in heavenly places." Look at vs. 21--"Far above principalities & power & might." Here's the whole thing again, Eph. 6:12, all these powers, principalities that scared me there. Jesus is seated far above all; not just a little bit above. I like that word--far above all these powers of darkness in heavenly places. "And has put all things under his feet, gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all & all." Look at Eph. 2:6--"And hath raised us up together, & made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Where's that? FAR above all principalities & powers; we're seated with Him in the heavenlies. We're here bodily, but it's our standing with God. We are with him in our victory, seated with him in the heavenlies which is far above all these principalities & powers. And I don't know why I missed it. But oh, if I had only seen it! But then I saw it--Satan hasn't got a chance against a Spirit-filled believer because He's standing far above all principalities & powers. Satan doesn't have a leg to stand on. He's like a snake. There's no comparison--far above all principalities & powers. Did you use that name of Jesus Christ? Did you believe it when you sang it this morning? In the name of Jesus we have the victory. I remember that shrewd chief in the AMINA village who said, "The missionary is happy when he gets a chance to preach," as you found that out by now. They built a church so I could come & preach, & Sunday afternoon they all gathered together; they'd never been all in one place before. They didn't know how big to build a church & they never wanted to build it any bigger than they have to, so it was a small church, just a small center aisle, & I can't compare to anything here. We had 300 in this small (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) little building. Women were seated on one side & the men on the other. They had built a little bamboo table for me to lay my book on. They had me backed right up to the back wall of the church practically. The feet of the first row of people were under my table. It was crowded. The chief said let's all come, then the missionary will be happy with us & he will give us jobs, let us buy from his store, give us medicine free; & so he made everybody come. There they were that Sunday afternoon. There was a leaf roof, leaf wall; they didn't bother to put the regular wall in--they just made it from the roof matting. Between that wall which was about 4 feet high & at the roof there was a space about 8 feet--badly needed when you have all these people in a small space & they've never bathed. So we brought in some light & I taught them this little chorus, first service in this village. Then I led in prayer & they were quiet, but then I tried to preach. I really did try to preach & all hell let loose--a big pig came in! He bust right through that leaf wall. There was no room for him & he tumbled right onto the people. They all said I'll beat that pig, & he snorted; he was a pretty big one. Finally I said, "Chief, this isn't going to work; get that pig out of here." He says, "Get him out!" The men stand up & rip up the benches, get their sticks & start beating the pig. They got him cornered in the center aisle--everybody cheered & roared, it was great, they love it. And I said, "Back away." They had him cornered, the pig had no where to go. He jumped right up in the air & landed right on the women. It was terrible. Finally they caught it; some of them had to back away to get him out the door. And I'd get started again--I didn't know where I was. I don't know if you guys could preach. I was trying a foreign language at that, & wasn't too good of an idea. And then the pig came in somewhere else; that pig just kept coming in, & every time they cheered & they all beat him. It was fantastic! Finally he came in one time right in the corner of the church here. He tore in, came right at me, he squeezed in--I almost fell over backwards right out this side! Could you have preached, brother? Beside that, the dogs were howling. Have you ever heard a hungry dog howl? They were the mangy dogs & apparently one of the dogs had an evil spirit, & they killed the dog & the evil spirit went into a person, so they wouldn't kill anymore dogs. They never kill dogs. They respected them like the cows over in India. They never killed them & they were all starving because there wasn't enough food. And this pack of hungry dogs, 30 to 40 of them, started to howl in the area of the church. One starts like a siren & they all join in. It was unreal the noise they can make. Between that pig & the dogs, communication was just about nil, & when you add to that the fact that a missionary was getting excited; & the more excited he gets & the louder he tries to shout the less effective he gets. Besides that, all the babies were crying; you couldn't blame them; they were uncomfortable in that place. The seats were made out of these sticks, & the people were uncomfortable. And if you could hear those women talk, you've never seen anything yet. The whole service, yakety-yak right through those babies, & then the men yelling across, "Keep the baby quiet. Missionaries going to get mad!" And so we had everything going on, & then I just quit, & said, "Let's sing that song again & we'll go home..." They said, "Hooray, it's all over." They thought, we're going to get store privileges--all for 10 minutes. And I walked home & I was disappointed. I complained but shouldn't have. I said, "Lord, You've got to help me a little bit. I can't do it all myself." And the Lord wanted me to get out of the way. He wanted to do it all Himself. But, you know, I was still asking God to help me do something for Him. And I said, "Lord, I'm committed to go there again next afternoon; I hate to fail twice in a row." I wish I hadn't promised them, but I was to come back every Sunday afternoon. "Lord, before next Sunday would You show me what would You have done if you had stood behind that little bamboo table today?" I thought somehow the Lord would get through to me as I read the Bible or something. The Lord delighted to give me the answer right there on the trail! He put it right in my mind: "Resist Him & he'll flee from you." The Lord reminded me, "Didn't you learn anything 2 weeks ago on that SAHARIN trail?" And I thought, that's where I resisted Satan, but my life was at stake; this morning my life wasn't at stake. I almost got run down by the pig once, but other than that...But the Lord said, "Sure, your life wasn't at stake, but my ministry was. Now what's more important?" He had something there, didn't He? Resist him! Of course, I could see it all now. It was that demon powers pushing that pig in. It was even scriptural. Remember they got into the swine there at the Gadarenes & the whole herd goes into the sea. Sure, why didn't I think of that? Satan stirring up the dogs & the pig & the people! This is the first service. Resist him, he will flee from you. In front of all those people, resist Satan? I mean, I haven't even done that in front of my wife. I hadn't told her that I had resisted Satan. I was afraid my wife would worry about me, that I had gone off the deep end somewhere. And so I hadn't even shared about that SAHARIN trail experience--I thought it might frighten her. Resist him in front of all these people? What if it doesn't work? Wouldn't that make Jesus look bad? If I said, in Jesus' name, get out of here, & it went right on? Here I'm worried about the reputation of Jesus, about the Lord's reputation--hey, we never have need to worry about God's reputation; I've learned this. He'll take care of His own reputation. You know whose reputation was at stake, really, was the missionary's. What if it doesn't work, wouldn't they laugh at me? I said, if I can handle this some other way. By Saturday I knew I had to go back the next day, & I thought, maybe I can take care of it here at this village, & couldn't I resist the powers of darkness here & it work for over there? Well, it's worth trying. Because if it doesn't work I'll just be one week behind & I'll try something else next week. Some of us are schemers & we'll do anything to get out of a situation. So I prayed that day & made sure my life was right with Him, & asked the Holy Spirit to fill me; then I got the verses (concerning resisting Satan & our authority), I got those verses written down & then I said, "Satan, HOHOI, wicked spirits--" (I found out they know all the languages. I don't want you to ever make fun of Satan or the devil again. Don't laugh at him, don't joke about him, don't say (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) Satan made me do it, & if you've got a license plate like that on your car, get it off. That's exactly what Satan wants, us to make a Santa Claus; Satan is very, very subtle, very deceptive; he knows all the languages. We resisted Satan in Dutch; in Holland I taught it in Indonesia, & in whatever language it works--Satan has to flee. They know the language. They know the scripture. They can quote scripture--Satan quoted scripture at Jesus. He knows about it better than you do. Let's learn it. Oh friends, don't ever make fun of Satan again!) So there I said, "In Jesus' name, I command you to leave us alone. Tell all your demons that are in control of them in the village not to interfere tomorrow at same time, same place where you met me last week." And then I quoted these scriptures, & I quoted a good many. I didn't know how many I had to quote. Next day with great expectancy I walked to that village again, wondering what was going to happen. I stood in front of that same people, the same crowd--women here, men here--everybody was present, same as week before. We sang the same song again. When I got up to preach it was as quiet as you are now. There wasn't a sound out of that group." I walked down to the end of the village after the service & found the pigs rooting around down the far end; they were still in the village but far away from the church area. The dogs were out there, too; they had found something to eat. The babies all went to sleep. The women were quiet (I can't figure that one out, I can't explain that). I preached the gospel just in a whisper, & now I could communicate & I told them about the love of Christ--second service in that village. And as I neared the end, the man came down the aisle (his name was JACONIAS) & he grabbed my hand with tears in his eyes & he said, "TUAN, I can hear you now." I said, "Didn't you hear me last week?" "Oh, yes, I could hear you with my ears, but not down here." I said, "What do you want to do about it?" "I want to go to your village, I want to go to Jesus village. I'm going to take His hand." He grabbed my hand so strong. He said, "I'm taking Jesus' hand from now on; I'm going to walk with Him." And the way he grabbed my hand he meant it; I could tell by that squeeze--he wouldn't let go. And others were coming & there stood a row of people in front of me. They all wanted to go Jesus' way, they all wanted to get their sins forgiven. They could hear me now. Can you imagine me in rejoicing--they thought I was so happy because people were responding. Sure that made me happy but (it was) the thing that caused this response to victory in Jesus' name! Go back with me to when I shared with you my weakness: I still had the worrying problem. I had just so recently read that book by Lovett & realized this whole truth about resisting. And I still had no victory yet over worrying & impure thoughts & fear & all this stuff. I still felt like such a weakling spiritually, & here this victory awed me. You know what I mean? Because you feel that God can't use you; & there, look what happened--it was Jesus' name that did it. And I walked home & just worshipped God along that trail, took all the time I needed, just spent time with Him! I said, "Lord, I can't believe it. How can You do that through me, because you know what I am?" And the Lord seems to delight in the fact that He can take a weakling & win such a victory. Friends, we're all so weak, aren't we. If it was our spiritual strength that did it none of us would ever make it. I'm sure that your faculty would confess this. They don't feel worthy to stand in God's place to teach you. But oh, it's the power of Jesus' name; that's the only way we can be used. I walked home & I said, "Lord, that was amazing; I still can't believe it, I can't get over it." And then I asked God a question, "Would you do it one more time in the village of HASJIMA?" Now HASJIMA was a bigger village. They had a long church. They can't make rafters that long so they made it real deep, and the last half could never hear me. There was always so much noise. I use to get the people interested by telling them a little bit of news--they had no papers, no radio, so I told them one day that President Kennedy got shot. And that was news. They said, "You mean you white men kill your chief's too?" I said, "Yes." They think we're all Christians over here. I told them, "Right now there's 2 of our countrymen from our village that are living (they say the village of America)--the village of America are walking on that moon." They said, "Last night we looked at the moon; we didn't see them." They said, "Which one went? Tuan Bob, Pelode Bob or Pelode Paul? Which one went?" They thought they drove their Cessna up there, flew their Cessna up there. I said no, they didn't quite make it. But for the news they were quiet, but let me start preaching & the whole thing turns; it was unusual. They couldn't hear me. I said, "Lord, would you do it again one more time, please Lord, one more time in HASJIMA village?" The Lord rebuked me, the Lord made me look about this tall. He said, "You ask for one more time, Otto; My name will never lose its power. You can use it everywhere you go, any time where you are, wherever you are, always. I'm here! Use that name." Wow! I could hardly walk on the trail, on those logs. You mean we can use that name every time we go to preach to any village? Wow! This is going to be exciting. I couldn't believe it but it started to work. Then I made a promise to the Lord: then I'll never preach again unless I first tell the evil spirits to stay away & not interfere. In others words, remove the blockage so they can hear. Well, I endeavored to do that. I didn't have as much time to preach now; instead of praying 10 times a week, I would preach maybe only 3 or 4 times a week. Because I had to stay right with God, I had to search out His Word. I had to make sure that I was living a Spirit-filled life. I had to make sure that I was in the place where I could take my authority & resist Satan, & that meant that I had to take more time that way. So I preached much less but got far greater results. Hey, that's attractive, isn't it? Those that are pastors, you get more sleep that way. Vance Havner says, "We have so many meetings we meet ourselves coming back from the last one." That's about true. Wouldn't it be better to have far less meetings & far greater power & results? Isn't that attractive to you? Oh, friend. Then we went to HASJIMA village & it worked there, & people there were saved. That whole long church was quiet. Ah, can you believe it? Then one day I forgot. I don't know what happened. Something came up in this family & one of the children Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) got hurt, & I rushed off last minute to that HASJIMA church & I got there & gave the little news flash, & then I tried to preach & oh, did the devil & his powers take advantage of them. And then I said, O man what do I do now? Can't do it in front of all these people, resist the devil. Suppose it doesn't work? Now it worked every time. Oh, our little faith! Always concerned, suppose it... I'm a schemer. My middle name is Jacob. I don't know why my parents give me that name. But you know, I said to the chief at the door, "Don't let anybody out. I'll be right back." I walked out of the church into the jungle about 40 to 50 feet from the church; thick jungle--they thought I was going to the water hole or something. I was there in the jungle away out of sight & I said, "Satan, I forgot something. In Jesus' name leave us alone. This is not your church. It belongs to God. I command you in Jesus' name to leave me, for the Bible says, Greater is He that is in me..." And I got about half way through the verse & the noise stopped in the church! And I thought, you don't have to quote that much scriptures. Satan respects the first verse--I only got half way through. I walked back into the church & there was quiet. They noticed there was something different. They couldn't explain this & they listened intently & I preached to them & it went like usual & people again were saved--a total turn around from the first 7 years of my ministry there. I blamed it all; there's no way to reach these people; they are unreachable. We classify them as unreceptive people. All people can become receptive if we use all the authority we have & all the power we have in Jesus' name. Do you believe that? That makes missionary work a whole lot more encouraging, doesn't it? You can actually go & have things together in this way, & go & claim the victory instead of being out there & worrying & fearing & having nervous breakdowns, & so many missionaries have to come home; and instead, we can claim victory & go on the offensive. Later when the Richardson's joined us on the station, worked with us for the last year, Don & his wife & my wife & I would pray together & claim villages. As we prayed together we somehow increased each other's faith. And then these villages would start to listen, & all of a sudden they could hear us. Don did a lot of experimenting in this & found that we could resist Satan on behalf of a loved one way across the ocean in America who was bound up by powers of Satan & who were set free at the same time that we claimed the victory over here in NINJA. The communication of the powers of darkness is far superior than what we've got. We got our satellites up there alright, but oh, that's why I say, don't make fun of them. Their communication is unreal. Satan is in one place but his demons are everywhere & they have a communication system. And you can resist Satan here & have that service tomorrow in another place & go there & have victory. We could go a lot further on this, but we haven't got time. But friends, let me show you something from James 4 where it says to resist the devil. We can't just take that verse out of context, "Resist the devil & he will flee from you." In James 4:7 we read, "Submit yourselves to God--that comes first--don't even try to resist Satan unless you first have made it a practice of submission to God, surrender to God. And tonight we'll go on to this yielding of rights message, The Pineapple Story, which is totally on this. Surrendering first has got to be a priority before we can live a Spirit-filled life. Submit yourselves to God, then resist the devil & he will flee from you. And then look at verse 8, "Draw nigh to God & He will draw nigh to you." There's a danger when you first realize your authority that you go off the deep end & you want to see a demon behind every bush, so to speak; you don't do that. What do we do? We draw nigh to God--get close to God, & what's the result of that? He will draw nigh to you. And when He draws nigh to you the powers of darkness notice it right away, & they'll leave you alone. They don't want a confrontation; they hate to be defeated. They'll try somebody else, because they know that if the Lord is near to you & the Holy Spirit is filling you that they haven't got a chance. The same men that drew that line on that path, after I realized what a spiritual life was, before I knew what the resisting was, the same guys never met me on the path again. They hiked out the other end of the village when they knew I was coming. They didn't want a confrontation--I didn't want one either. I don't want to meet them. But they were afraid of me. Not afraid of me; no, no, afraid of the power of the Holy Spirit that's in us. Because we, though weak, Satan sensed our authority. We have it here in America. Somebody who had been in Satan worship had now come to the front of the church & knelt at the altar & said, "Oh, I need help, I need help!" Well, they had brought her to us because we had been on the mission field. And so a lady brought this dear lady to our house. I wasn't home at the time, but my wife prayed with them. And she said, "When I'm in my apartment they just scream at me, these demons yell, cursing & immoral things at me, but when I'm in your house they leave, they aren't around anymore. Can I move in?" Now that's the kind of house I like to live in, don't you? Incidentally, my wife played the music right. Some of these records you get now days, they've got good music most of the way & then you get a bad one, right in the middle of it, right. You ought to watch those. Get the right music. Get Bill Hort's music; we play that around the house. Get good music--my wife makes sure to put that on. That's the kind of house I want to live in, a place where the powers of darkness hate to be. Isn't that the way you want to live your life? Friends, it's beautiful the victory we can have when we get things right. So draw nigh to God, & when I realized this, I don't have to resist Satan as much because they recognize it. When you become a Spirit-filled Christian, & you've walked a Spirit-filled walk, lived a Spirit-filled life, you become a target. It's like a man with a target painted on his back. Satan is going to give attention to that--hey, I got to stop this guy, he's becoming effective for God. Then you need to know how to resist in your authority. My son, who is 8 years old, sat in the same classes with the preacher boys. I had to teach on such a low level that he could keep up with them & I trained my oldest son along with them. One of these men came to me one morning & he was so excited, he was almost jumping up & down & woke me up early. I said, "What is it now?" BIDE' said, "TUAN, it works, it works!" I said, "What?" "What you told us. HOHOI came to my house last night. He was heading right for my favorite wife. I said, leave me (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) alone. I did what you said & he went away! TUAN, it works!" I said, "Just a minute, slow up." Now these houses are all open with all the fires--this wife was over here with her children & the other wife was over here with her children; there was old grandma; the men use to have to set a fire with an older son or something; they'd sleep on the grass mats around the smoky fire. He said, "TUAN!" I said, "Now go slow, tell me again." He said, "HOHOI stood at my door & I was scared. He was looking right at my favorite wife. If he had looked at the other wife it wouldn't have been so bad; I don't care about her anyway." You say, "Wasn't he a Christian?" Yes, he was a Christian, but he had a long way to go, didn't he? He didn't love the other wife... "He was looking right at my favorite wife. I knew he was going to take her. That's the way these HOHOI'S do." He knew from past experiences that these images have shown themselves to the people. They're scared to death. I said, "Exactly, what did you say?" He says, "HOHOI, the missionary told me to tell you this: In Jesus' name (I'm glad he said in Jesus' name instead of the missionary's name), turn around & go. Missionary told me to tell you that the new Spirit in me is stronger than you are." Hey, I like that! Now he's suppose to quote scripture but the guy doesn't know any scripture; he doesn't have a Bible. He only knew half of John 3:16 so he quotes what he knows, & it worked! I don't think God is going to let you get away with that. I hope He won't. Write scriptures down to resist him & you need to memorize them. He quotes the scripture & the HOHOI turns around & leaves. I said, "Just a minute, what did he look like?" "Oh, he was just like a man, but he was made out of all red flames, small red flames, the whole fiery red image. And his eyes were red like that & he was looking right at my wife," & he gives the whole story again as to what happened. He said, "TUAN, it works, it works! If you hadn't told me I would have lost my favorite wife." He said, "Do you hear that crying in the dark?" I said, "Who died?" I heard some death wail, I heard it before he came--someone had died. "You know who lives down the row of houses from me?" "Yes." "And it serves him right. He lost his favorite wife because he didn't have any power against HOHOI. He came right in. He was scared to death & didn't know what to do. His wife is gone. Serves him right, doesn't it TUAN? He should have come & listen to you preach." Now he is a Christian. He did something that some of us have never done. That shows us something: you don't have to be a great mature saint, years & years & grow into this. The name of Jesus Christ can be used by any one who is born again & is a child of God. But he didn't even know enough to love his neighbor yet--serves him right; hope he looses his other wife, too, he said, serves him right. Their whole culture is based on retaliation. So, (he) goes away. YAHABE' comes after he buries his favorite wife. He said, "TUAN, what does BIDE' have that I didn't have?" BIDE' had already been over to his house & told him: "JAHABE', you dumb klutz, you should have listened to the missionary." JAHABE' said, "What's the witchcraft that he uses; what have you taught him? I want the same thing." I said, "The same thing wouldn't work for you." He said, "TUAN, HOHOI knows I'm so vulnerable, Satan knows that I am so vulnerable, Satan knows that I am an easy target. He can just come in tomorrow & get my other wife. I have no resistance." Satan knows how vulnerable we are. And if we are easy targets he can hit us again. And I said, "JAHABE', there's no way you can pull that off. You aren't even a Christian. You go home--you'll probably lose your other wife." He said, "I don't want to lose my other wife; if I do I'll have to go get my own firewood, my own food." He says, "TUAN, tell me what's BIDE' got?" I said, "Hey, you don't even want what he's got or you would have come to church." He said, "I'm going to start coming now. Tell me what has he got?" I said, "You have to be a Christian." He says, "Okay, I'll be a Christian." I thought, I wonder if he really means it. But I lead him to Christ that day--the day he buried his wife. He says, "Can I do it now?" I said, "No way!" He says, "No way?" I said, "No, no way." I said, "You may be a Christian but Satan isn't going to listen to you." "Why not, TUAN?" I said, "Not as long as you got that arm band on, JAHABE', & that thing around your neck there, & that witchcraft on your bow, & that special spear & arrow there on your spear rack that's for killing people. And as long as all the witchcraft is around your baby's arms & you've got that bag with all the paraphernalia of all the witchcraft, as long as you trust in all that, JAHABE', forget it. That's Satan's stuff you're wearing, & he isn't going to listen to you. You've got to put it away." He says, "TUAN, if I put it away the enemy will come & I'll be a victim. I won't be able to live. If I have no witchcraft I can't do a thing." Everything he does--hunting, fishing--is all connected from birth to death. The first thing they put on the baby is the arm band junk. He says, "TUAN, are you sure of that?" I said, "Look, as long as you trust in all that you can't trust in God. You either go & burn it or you'll won't be able to resist Satan." He said, "TUAN, are you sure it's going to work?" He's scared & he goes, & he burns his stuff. And the little preacher comes, YE'SI sees the preacher come, & I said, "YE'SI, go see what JAHABE' is doing." He comes back after sometime & he says, "TUAN, TUAN, it's unbelievable! You can baptize him! He's burning the stuff! He's real, TUAN!" JAHABE' comes back shaking: "TUAN, I hope it's going to work, it's got to work, I hope you're right." See, he has nothing. He has nothing else to live in. It's like us when we have no insurance, or no savings account, nothing left--only God. That's a good place to be sometimes. Nothing. God better work--if He doesn't come through now there's nothing. He says, "TUAN, I have nothing!" I said, "You have Jesus!" What was I telling JAHABE'? He's got to be your Lord, He's got to be in control, He's got to be the only thing you've got. The Lordship of Jesus Christ is what I taught that man. Then I showed him how he can be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in control, you've got nothing else--no possessions, nothing. The Holy Spirit took control of that man. Then I taught him his authority, how he could resist Satan & he would flee from him. I taught that man all the way--He buried his wife, he got saved, he understood what spiritual life was, & what his authority was. I think we ought to teach all our converts those things. Don't you get people saved & send them back out there & say, read your Bible & pray every day, & you'll grow, grow, grow. We even got a chorus about that, haven't we? Sure, read your Bible & pray every day, & fall. Satan will destroy him. They become his targets. And you better tell them something--tell them that there (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) is a Spirit-filled, Spirit-controlled life; tell them about the Lordship of Christ, tell them that they have authority in Jesus' name so that when Satan comes at them they have some way to stand. Don't send them out without anything. You lose your witchcraft you've got to have something to replace it. That man had victory, & he was able to protect his other wife & his children. What about the Lordship in your life? What controls all the circle of our lives? I don't think we really have to ask the Holy Spirit to fill us. I think when we give Him control, He is in control of our lives, & to be controlled by the Holy Spirit is the same as being filled with the Holy Spirit. Here's the Spirit-filled man--some of the characteristics or results of the Spirit-filled man. And this is in your little brochure on page three. This is the guy all you girls want to look for. He's not only handsome but he's a SPIRIT-FILLED CHRISTIAN--Christ-likeness, love, joy, peace, long-suffering is the result of a Spirit-filled man. You can say I need more love, God, but where are you going to get it? It's a result. You make sure that you are living a Spirit-filled life, or He's in control, & you'll have that love & joy & peace. And then TRUTHFULNESS--out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. And then the characteristic here is PRAISE, THANKFULNESS, SUBMISSION (Eph. 5:19-21) & right following the verse, be filled with the Spirit, Eph. 5:18. Only a Spirit-filled person can rejoice & be thankful when everything goes wrong. You can't rejoice in your problems & tribulations in the natural man. And then submitting--wives, submit to your husbands; children, obey your parents; servants, obey your masters. How can you really submit to those in authority over you, especially when our authority may be wrong or may be difficult to live with? Only a Spirit-filled person can. And then this last one here, I John 4:4, Greater is He that is in us--we get CONFIDENCE, confidence in ourselves, No, not confidence in ourselves; confidence because the Holy Spirit is in control & we have authority, will get a boldness, the fear will be gone, there will be an authority, confident that God can use them, & that's what we so badly need, especially as we go to the mission field. Now you remember as I faced that screaming demon there in the jungle, how I cried out to God, & the Lord said to resist him & I said, Lord, you do it for me, I have no experience. And the first chart on your page two of your brochure is, OUR RESPONSIBILITY: 1. PRAYING, Jn. 16:24 2. WITNESSING, Acts 1:8 3. SHARING & EXHORTING, Gal. 6:2; Heb. 3:13 The area goes back & forth--you to me & I to you). By far, the most commands in the New Testament are on that third area; far more than all the other three together. And then-- 4. RESISTING, James 4:7 All these four things are done with our mouths, communication, talking to God, talking to the unsaved, sharing & exhorting one another & resisting Satan. It's just as much our responsibility to resist Satan as it is to pray to God. And notice what's written there beside the little chart in your brochure: GOD WILL NOT DO FOR ME WHAT HE COMMANDS ME TO DO. GOD WILL EMPOWER ME TO DO WHAT HE COMMANDS ME TO DO. God is not unreasonable with us. Then the next chart there is the one on FAITH. Satan flees from me because the Bible says so; I accept it by faith just like salvation. The Bible says be born again, & I believe it because the Bible says so. BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, & we have the Spirit-filled walk; RESIST THE DEVIL, & we have victory in warfare. Here's the scripture, somebody this morning just now quoted that verse, " O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth." The next verse is, "Out of the mouth of babes & sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy & the avenger." Spiritual babes. If I were to ask you the question, Who is the weakest Christian in this place this morning, would you raise your hand? Yes, right there. Now, out of the mouth of spiritual babes... Is there anyone weaker than a babe? You say, no, they are totally dependent. God says in Ps. 8:2, Out of the mouth of babes & sucklings hast he ordained strength because of his enemies. God's enemy is Satan--that he might still the enemy & the avenger, that he might be able to tell Satan to be quiet, to tell him to just leave us alone. And God gets a great thrill when the weakest Christian in our midst just breathes that name, in Jesus' name, & all the powers of darkness have to flee. Can you imagine the thrill to God! He says, "Look, here's the weakest one of them all, watch all you angels, watch, shall use my name." Thrilling! And I showed you that yesterday morning--BIDE' did it, that native, that former headhunter there in New Guinea, who didn't have it all together spiritually at all; he's a weak one, just a brand new Christian & he used that name & the powers of darkness had to flee. I'm sure God gets a great thrill out of that. Let's let Him enjoy it--let God enjoy the thrill He gets. It's the same Bible that tells you these things--you've got to trust Him. (NOTE: The beginning of SIDE 2 of this cassette tape is on page 6, indicated above by the bold words, What controls all the circle of our lives...) (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) Now, up to this time I had to resist the evil one in my ministry there--and only used the ONE PREMISE: because I'm FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, Satan, you've got to leave me alone for greater is He that is in me, and that was a good one. And Satan had to flee every time I used it. And then I realized there were TWO OTHER PREMISES or truths that I could use; the FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS--He died to save us, to give us access to God the veil was rent; He died to defeat Satan, that was Christ's work on the cross, & for me to have victory, sin shall not have dominion over me; reckon myself to be dead to sin (the whole Rom. 6 chapter is so important I'd advise you to memorize that chapter). I don't know how you thank God for your salvation, but we ought to thank Him today, & in a spirit of prayer today let's not forget to praise Him. Thank Him for access to God, that rent veil; that was accomplished on the cross when Jesus died. His blood was shed not just to save us but to give us access to God, & Satan was defeated, & that's so important. Suppose he hadn't been defeated at Calvary? Victorious living--we can have victory over besetting sin patterns. That was accomplished when Christ died. And friends, take advantage of everything He did for you on that cross. Thank Him for everything He did for you on that cross; other-wise He would have shed His blood in vain. If you only took advantage, it's only part of it. Praise His name that all this was accomplished. And so I can say, "Satan, wicked spirits, whoever you are, I resist you in Jesus' name because you were DEFEATED AT CALVARY" (stating the premise). This here verse, that he was defeated at Calvary, I can quote this & say it's because of the finished work of Christ, & it's a powerful thing. And that one alone causes Satan to flee from us because He knows that's where he was defeated. And then I realized ANOTHER PREMISE, & that was the identification doctrine: we are one with Christ, OUR UNION WITH CHRIST, crucified with Him, buried with Him, risen with Christ. Yesterday morning we talked about being seated together with Him in the heavenlies, Eph. 2:6. We can claim that, & we can say, "Satan, wicked spirits, whoever you are, in Jesus' name I command you to leave me alone because I'm seated with Him in the heavenlies, far above all principalities & power & might & dominion." I can claim this because I am one with Christ all the way around in these identification doctrines here. So, the third one is that I am SPIRIT-FILLED. And so I've outlined those 3 for you there, & the scriptures on page 3--three reasons for my authority over Satan. On the front cover underneath the cross you'll find some more scriptures; there's the outline, this the whole thing together (from the brochure): THREE REASONS FOR OUR AUTHORITY OVER SATAN: 1. THE FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST, Heb. 2:14; 9:28; John 17:4 a. Salvation, Col. 1:14 b. Access to God, Mark 15:38 c. Defeat of Satan, Heb. 2:14b d. Victorious life, Rom. 6:6 All 4 are because of Christ's work on the cross. 2. MY UNION (ONENESS) WITH CHRIST, Rom. 6:1-14; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 1:18-21 a. Crucified, Gal. 2:20 b. Buried, Rom. 6:4 c. Risen, Col. 3:1 d. Seated, Eph. 2:6 In resisting Satan I use the name of Jesus, rather than His blood, because it includes the power of His resurrection & my place `seated with Him,' 3. FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, Eph. 5:18; 1 John 4:4; 5:14-15 a. Christlikeness, Gal. 5:22 b. Praise, thankfulness, submission, Eph. 5:19-21 c. Authority, Confidence, 1 John 4:4 d. Fruitfulness, John 7:38-39 -Unless I am Spirit-filled (or controlled) I have no power over Satan & his demons. -I must not teach the Spirit-filled life without teaching our authority over Satan. And when I am really up against it, sometimes when we feel that the power of Satan is strong & has got a hold on a village, we say, "O God, we really need help." Then I quote all 3 of them & said, "Satan, I resist you, & I have authority over you & you've got to leave because of the finished work of Christ, because of my oneness with Him, & because I am filled with the Spirit," & quote some of these scriptures. Satan has to flee; he's like a snake--he hasn't got a leg to stand on, he's got to go, it's too much for him. Isn't that thrilling? In the brochure general truths I've learned, #5 might bother you--it's got no scripture to back it up; it's a statement: demons are afraid of me, I need not fear them. It's based on this: our standing, our authority, we're so far above him in our standing as we identify with Christ, that they literally are afraid of us & we need not fear them. (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) In America today there are many books written, & I want you to be careful what you read on this; these books sell big & I sometimes wonder whether they're written to sell & to make money on them. A lot of books today talk about demonism & all these things, & some of them frankly scare you. People say, "Man, if that's it I don't want to have anything to do with it." And we have church leaders & people in our country that say, "I wouldn't know what to do." I get calls saying will you come over? Someone came & stood at the altar--he had been badly mixed up & said, "Would you help me?" Afraid, these situations, & some of you have read them no doubt where it takes 4 men to hold a possessed person down. How many have heard stories like that? He's slinging chairs around the room & throwing things & attacking the preacher & what have you, & so they say we've got to have 40-50 saints praying in the other room & start fasting, & it's just a 3-ring circus & he wears everybody out. Friends, where is the authority of Jesus' name? If the name of Christ indeed is what the Bible says it is then we can say in Jesus' name, be quiet, & then proceed with the service. We can control; they don't have to speak a word to hear stories of how they tell names & how they cuss; don't allow any of that. Jesus' name is strong. Tell them in Jesus' name, be quiet, until he tells you to get out. Our authority is complete so don't go for all that stuff, don't let these things scare you; we have authority. They are afraid of us when we stand on our authority. And this chart ought to be taught to everyone, to your Sunday School classes, to your child so they have confidence & no fear. And friends, we didn't baptize anybody on the mission field there until we first got to this point where they could understand this & could actually work this. Then we said, now we can baptize them. This gets me in trouble sometimes when I am in baptist churches sometimes because they feel we ought to teach them all these things. This is not deeper life, this is not maturing in Christ--these are basics. Now your professors will agree with me, these are basics: salvation, surrendering our rights to God, & the result of that of being filled with the Spirit & our authority & claiming it as ours. Then we start growing from there. But you see, then we are in place where we can grow because Satan cannot get us defeated & down. Those things are outlined on the front page under OUR AUTHORITY & some more scriptures there. I've also stated these 4 SCRIPTURES AROUND THE CROSS: 1. "Greater is He that is in you" (1 Jn. 4:4), 2. "He always causes us to triumph in Christ" (2 Cor. 2:14), 3. "That you may be able to stand" (Eph. 6:11), & 4. "More than conquerors" (Rom. 8:37) Make those verses part of your life, memorize them & then when you need them you will have it there to resist him when you need to. On the back of that brochure we have (taken from the brochure)-- When resisting Satan we quote Scripture related to our problem area, then when Satan flees we fill the vacuum by meditating on a passage. WHEN PROBLEM IS: LEARN & QUOTE MEDITATE ON Worry Phil. 4:6-7 Psalms 23, 27 Fear John 14:27 Psalms 46, 91, 121 Anger Eph. 4:26 James 4 Bitterness Eph. 4:31-32 Rom. 12 Guilt John 1:9 Psalms 100, 103 Depression Phil. 4:4 Isa. 55; Rom. 8 Coveteousness Phil. 4:11 Ps. 1; Matt. 5:1-16 Lust Phil. 4:8 Rom. 6 Pride I Peter 5:5-6 Phil. 2:1-11 Gossip Eph. 4:29 I Cor. 13 Selfishness Phil. 2:3-4 James 5 Procrastination Eccl. 9:10 Psalms 63, Prov. 3 Rebellious/Stubbornness Eph. 5:21 Deut. 28:1-20 Judgmentalism Matt. 7:1 Matt 7 No Self-Control Phil. 4:13 Psalm 139 (Recommended reading: "The Spirit-Controlled Temperament" by Tim Lahaye; "Dealing With the Devil" by C.S. Lovett) SATAN'S DEVICES: 1. WE MUST FORGIVE--lest Satan get an advantage over us--for we are not ignorant of his devices, 2 Cor. 2:11 2. HE INTIMIDATES--"as a roaring lion," 1 Peter 5:8-9 3. HE INTERFERES--hinders us, 1 Thes. 2:8; blinds the minds, 2 Cor. 4:4 4. HE COUNTERFEITS--Christ, sickness, spiritual manifestations, etc., 2 Cor. 11:14 5. HE INTENSIFIES--exaggerates pain & problems, Eph. 6:11 6. HE DESTROYS--individuals, families, churches, Jn. 8:44 7. HE CONTROLS--areas of our minds, Rom. 6:16; the wicked, 1 Jn. 5:19 (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) If you were to check out & study 2 Cor. 2:11 you would find a passage where Paul encouraged the Corinthians to-- (Discussion of above outline): 1. FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER. It's amazing how that would precede this verse on Satan's devices. We must forgive lest Satan get an advantage over us for we are not ignorant of his devices; Satan is subtle. Somehow, friends, as long as we don't forgive one another we will never have victory against the evil one. I had to go back to those home churches & make restitution & make it right, & they raised my support--unbelievable. And we found that others did the same thing. And if there are things in your life where you have not forgiven someone else, or where you've really had a heavy attitude towards somebody in jealousy or what, especially if it's happened when you have so many choirs & chorus, & who gets to sing with who, & who gets to sit with where, & who gets to play what. When talents are involved there's so many problems that can creep in. But forgiveness, for restitution, making things right--how can we be spiritual Christians unless we do that? We must forgive one another. And on this day of prayer if God points out to you that there is somebody that you have wronged, maybe you ought to make a phone call & make it right before you start prayer. God is not interested in our sacrifices or in our prayer until we have first made things right with each other. And that's why Paul says this: "Lest Satan get an advantage over you." If you do not make restitution, if you do not forgive one another, Satan will get an advantage over you, & you can't afford that. You'll be a victim & not a victor. Here are some of the devices, & there are many more. You can look in your theology books & find many more things Satan does. These are the ones that we have experienced on the mission field & that's why I wrote them down because I can say something about them. I like to stick with the things that I've experienced so that I can say that I was there. 2. INTIMIDATION--as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, scare tactics. I already talked about that screaming demon there in the jungle; that's more on a mission field where Satan is so in control. In America he works far more subtle. 3. He INTERFERES: Satan hindered us, Paul said. Have you ever been hindered? God says you ought to pray, & you really wanted to pray, & you were going to prayer & the phone rang or something else happened, & you were hindered & you never got to the place of prayer? I'm sure it's happened to all of us, & you feel bad. But then have you come to where you did make it & you said I'm not going to let anything interfere with my devotions, my quiet time, with my prayer, & you got on your knees in your bedroom or wherever you were & then as you started to pray, floods of things entered your mind--oh, I should have written that birthday card, or I promised to call so & so, & I forgot to make the lunch for Johnny or I've got to run it to school, or I've got to do this? Have you ever had that? And then instead of praying you realize all that, & there he is hindering us again. You know a way of solving the problem, I've found, is taking a note pad & putting on the bed there beside my Bible & saying, that's right. And I realize now that it was Satan doing it. I said, "Satan, that's right; I'll make a note of that & do it after I'm done praying." And I found my list was so accurate. I would have forgotten some of those things. And after while he realized it's working against him & he quits it. But whatever it takes, do it. Write it down & say, I'll take care of that but I'm going to praise Jesus first. He hinders us--be careful of that. Two men determined to pray every day, were going to get up, & inevitably one of them had something happen--either a car wouldn't start or the neighbor asked him if he could help him start his car (it needed a jump); & other things happened. And inevitably one of two were calling each other & saying, hey, I can't make it this morning. And they realized--how strange, they were going to pray for their pastor. They had determined that their pastor would be successful. They had committed themselves--we are going to make our pastor successful, we are going to pray for him. Wouldn't you like to have deacons like that or elders like that? Then they realized & they resisted Satan, "Satan, you're hindering us, we resist you; don't interfere at all with our prayer time." And from then on they met together without any problems. Unreal how Satan controls a lot of people, & he can bring them in your way & enter your life to hinder you when you should be doing something. He controls many more people than we think, & uses them to interfere with our service for God & with our prayer. Have you ever noticed how many phone calls you get during mealtime when you're suppose to be having family devotions? Have you ever noticed how hard it is (I've got 4 children) to get all 6 of them together at one time to pray together? It's unreal here in America; (on the mission field it was easier in a sense) but there is so much going on, somebody has to go somewhere--it's hard to get them all together, there's so many things to interfere. Have you ever gone visiting & found how hard it is to keep the attention of people your witnessing to--the TV is going or the phone is ringing & everything happens, the kids are all bad & screaming & yelling? It's unreal. Have you ever offered somebody a twenty dollar bill. They could hear you if you did that. But if you offer them the gospel of Jesus Christ they can't hear you, their minds are blinded, they can't even hear you. You're offering them something far better, but they can't understand. 4. SATAN COUNTERFEITS as an angel of light, counterfeits Christ, & the whole anti-christ system will be a counterfeit of Christ's kingdom. He counterfeits sickness, spiritual manifestations (whenever there is something good Satan will try to imitate that, counterfeit it). That's so many people are stuck with counterfeit gifts of the spirit, feeling they really have, & they don't. Satan is a liar & deceiver; he can make it seem so good & so real & yet you've got to check it out with scripture. This sickness thing--I was on the trail & had malaria & I thought, I've taken my prophylactics regularly, and (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) Satan counterfeited symptoms of malaria so I couldn't go to the village--I felt so sick & wondered what was the matter. And just a stab in the dark I said, "Satan, if you've got anything to do with the way I feel, I resist you in Jesus' name." And the malaria was gone, & I could go on & preach in the village. And have you ever found how bad you felt when you were back home in your church on Wednesday night, & you worked all day & you're so tired & you're not feeling good, & you say, "I'm not going to prayer meeting tonight?" I'm not going to ask for hands how many have actually done this. Have you ever made it & gone anyway? And as the spirit of the meeting was great & the Holy Spirit was in control & the atmosphere was there, & you forgot how tired you were & by the end of the meeting you feel great & you say, "Why did I ever entertain in my mind not to come--I'm so glad; I would have missed it." Oh how Satan plays with our mind--intensifies problems. 5. Has he ever INTENSIFIED your problem? Have you ever gone to bed at night & you had a problem to solve next morning, you had a bill to pay & you didn't have money, or you had somebody to discipline, or you had to go to this brother with something, or other problems, & you just didn't have the answer, & you worried about them & now it's time to go to bed? And you get on your knees & say, "Lord, I give the whole problem to you. I don't know what to do with it. Please take it & take care of it in the morning, & give me a good nights sleep." And then you go to bed. What happens when you're almost asleep? Oh, what am I going to do tomorrow? You panic--if I do this, no that won't work; if I do the other thing that won't work either. What am I going to do? I better pray about it again, so you get out of bed & get on your knees again--you know, praying twice is better than once, isn't it? So just in case God didn't hear you the first time you pray again, & you say, "O God, tomorrow I've got a problem (now God already knows that); God I don't know what to do, help me tomorrow. I just surrender to you & ask You to give me a good nights sleep." What happens when you're almost asleep? Same thing--so you pray 3 times. Satan is laughing at you all the time. What happens in the middle of the night when you wake up? You look for that clock--what time is it? Oh, I hope it isn't morning yet! And all you have to do is, "Satan, I resist you in Jesus' name. I've given my problem to Jesus. He's going to work it out. He's already working on it now while I am sleeping. And if you have any problems, go see Him about it." And you lay your head on your pillow & go to sleep--& that's victory & the joy of the Lord. And you say, "What would I do with all my free time if I don't worry anymore? Ah, MEDITATE. Can you think of it when you get a hold of these things & put that whole circle on the altar & you don't have anything you have to worry about, how much meditation time you can really get in? We see it in every other way--with sickness in my wife with hepatitis she said one day, "O Otto, I can't stand it anymore." And the pain was so bad right in her liver area. She said, "Do you think Satan is doing it?" I said, "Now look, Carol, you're sick; you've got real physical problems. You can't blame everything on the devil." But she challenged me: she said, "Haven't you taught the natives, aren't you teaching...? "If you suspect Satan might have something to do with it, try it." You can never go wrong resisting him. If it's him it won't go on; you'll solve the problem if it isn't. The problem won't be solved & it's something else. And she challenged me, "If you suspect it?" I said, "Okay, you win--let's go." And so together we prayed & we resisted Satan, & I said, "Satan, if you have anything to do with my wife's extreme pain this morning leave her alone." And the extreme pain went away, but the mild pain was still there. She was sick, she had hepatitis but it was exaggerated, intensified. Satan has ways of drawing our minds to our problems. And the more he does it the worse the problems get, whether it's pain, whether it's problems--blows them out of proportion. So be very alert on these things, he's so very, very deceptive & deceiving. On this area of deceit, that's Satan's main area--he's a DECEIVER, he's a liar, he'll play both ends against the middle--let me illustrate that. I had to pay all the men for working on my airstrip--100 men. Pay day was a terrible day--they never were satisfied with what I gave them. I could pay them twice what they deserved & the group still pressured & demanded more. And I said to the Lord that morning, early before they came, "This is going to be a bad day; I'll feel so bad, they'll be complaining all day, I'll get angry at them; Lord, help me! How can I have victory on a day like this?" Then the Lord showed me something: on my knees before Him I made out a list, I showed the Lord the paper how many days they worked, & I said, "This is what they deserve; I know that, & You know that. I will add a couple more days pay to it so they will have more than they deserve. And Lord, if it's alright with You, if You like what I'm doing, then would you give me great joy as I pay them & give me a victorious day?" And I went out there with the list & the Lord gave me great joy during that time of prayer. And it seemed He was smiling upon what I was giving them. Then I went outside with the things, & I paid every man his wage. And they complained, & they yelled, & they growled & they threatened. And I said, "Men, that's all you get. You're getting more than you deserve. Now just go home." And I went back into the office, & I had joy. God was in it, even though they were yelling outside my house. Then a little while later I was shaving, & I was looking at myself in the mirror & this thought came into my mind: you stingy Dutchman--the way you rip these people off! If the home churches knew how much you were paying them for a day's work they wouldn't even support you anymore. Now friends, you know I was on a missionary's salary, couldn't pay a 100 men what you people get paid (minimum wage); I mean, they were getting a handful of salt or something, or a fish hook for a half a day's work. But they weren't happy with their pay. Satan got on me--see you're still stingy, you haven't overcome your stinginess. I stand there. That's right, I guess I haven't got victory over that yet; really it is very small pay for all the work (Authority Over Satan, Tape 2, continued) they've done. Maybe I should go & call them back & pay them some more. Then all of a sudden I caught it. I ran into my office, shaving soap still on me, & I got that piece of paper that I showed to the Lord, & I ran back into the washroom (I wouldn't have to do that, but I did) & I said, "Here, look at this, Satan, Jesus agrees with this; now if you have any problems with the pay, go talk to Him." And I had the peace of God, & what a victory. And then in the afternoon my wife came into my office. She said, "What did you pay the men this morning?" And I got out the same paper (it was a popular paper by now). I said, "This is what I paid them." She has a way of putting her finger up & said, "Otto, you've got to tighten up. You're paying them more than you did last year. They're constant, they're pushing you around; I hate to see these people push you around, you're giving them more & more." Now what was Satan doing? I said, "Honey, I think you're right--I am paying them more now than I use to. They are getting their way." And I started worrying about it, wondering what am I going to do to tighten up. And then I got it: I thought, Satan, you're so clever. If you don't get me down one way, you'll get me on the opposite end. It doesn't matter how he gets us down. If he can't get us one way, he'll take the opposite & we usually fall for it. Here's pastor, & say his problem is laziness, & he gets right with God & starts to work. What happens? He usually overdoes it & goes off the other end & has ulcers or a nervous breakdown. Satan doesn't care which way he gets the pastors--either one way or the other. But you've got to watch, he is so deceiving--uses any way to deceive us. 6. Then Satan is a DESTROYER, a murderer from the beginning; he destroys, & these are his targets: the individual, the families in the churches, Christian schools; & as I prayed about it last night, we've got to include one more he tries to destroy--his target is the mission society, the mission families on the mission field. Most missionaries come home because they can't get along with other missionaries. These are his targets. The more victorious people are, & the more on fire the churches are, & the more d

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