Welcome on a faith adventure. You will discover interesting topics related to Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, and spirituality. You will enjoy Sunday Scripture Reflection, Catholic Theology, and Devotions. The videos relate to spirituality and life. You will find Scripture for Strength and inspiring Faith Stories. Take time and watch a special reflection on how Rosary is Connected to Life. Oh, yes, you can read my book The Uncommon Priest: Incredible Stories You Never Read. Why not follow my blogs on ferozfernandes.com? Check out my website ferozfernandes.com https://www.ferozfernandes.com/ Interested to read my blogs https://www.ferozfernandes.com/blog Read my debut book: The Uncommon Priest: Incredible Stories You Never Read https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=the+uncommon+priest&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/feroz.fernandes Instagram https://www.instagram.com/feroz_fernandes/?hl=en Twitter https://twitter.com/home