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Our story unfolds in the kingdom of Judah. The background was that Assyria had become a world dominating power. With terrible cruelty and coldness of heart, they were destroying nation after nation.

The northern kingdom of Israel had also been destroyed by Assyria at this point. They had done to Israel what they had also done to many other nations, they carried them away to live in some far-off place, lose their national identity, and simply disappear into the populations of the world. They become what many call the ten lost tribes of Israel. But God preserved a remnant for Himself of these tribes which we will see as we continue our study through the bible.

Assyria also brought people from some other conquered nations to live in Samaria, another name for northern Israel. Those people became known as the Samaritans. They were there during the time of Jesus’ ministry. In fact, it was a Samaritan woman whom he led to the Lord in John chapter 4. When the Pharisees wanted to insult Jesus they called him a Samaritan.
After Assyria took captive the northern kingdom of Israel, they turned their sights to Judah where Hezekiah was King. They intended to destroy Judah as well.

As we have been studying through these chapters, we've seen the significance of both prophets and kings in regard to the spiritual and national strength of Israel. Each of them had a separate, yet significant role. What's interesting is that Jesus is both King and prophet, He will completely fulfill the place of prophet and king when He comes again in the near future.

So Sennacherib sent his officers to Jerusalem in an attempt to destroy the nation of Judah in a war of words.

This encounter between Hezekiah and Sennacherib, king of Assyria, became an absolutely monumental point in the history of the nation. If they were taken away to another place and a foreign people were given this land, then all of God's promises would come to nothing.

A great spiritual battle was unfolding in this story and there are many spiritual insights and applications for our own lives that we should seek to apply in how we live before God and how we respond when troubles come our way.

Pastor Rich Jones
Rich Jones Sermons
Rich Jones Calvary Chapel
Calvary Chapel Worship Center
Calvary Chapel Hillsboro
Calvary Chapel Beaverton

Pastor Rich Jones
Rich Jones
Rich Jones
Rich Jones Sermons 2015
Rich Jones Sermons 2014

Rich Jones Church, Rich Jones Christian, Rich Jones Christian Church, Rich Jones Bible Study, Rich Jones Prayer, Pastor Rich Jones Faith, Rich Jones Grace, Rich Jones Healing, Rich Jones Teaching, Rich Jones Bible Teacher, Rich Jones Bible Verse, Rich Jones Healing, Rich Jones Teaching, Rich Jones Transformation, Rich Jones Faith, Rich Jones Salvation, Rich Jones Truth, Rich Jones Prayer, Rich Jones Bible, Rich Jones, Rich Jones Sermons 2014, Rich Jones 2014 Full Sermons, Rich Jones Full Sermons, Rich Jones Sermons, Rich Jones 2015, Rich Jones Sermons 2015, Pastor Rich Jones 2015 Full Sermons, pastor Rich Jones Full Sermons, Rich Jones 2015, Rich Jones Calvary Chapel, Calvary Chapel Worship Center, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Calvary Chapel Beaverton