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Israel Wayne

Israel Wayne

Israel Wayne is an author and conference speaker who has a passion for defending the Christian faith and promoting a Biblical worldview. He is the author of the books "Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview," "Full-Time Parenting: A Guide to Family-Based Discipleship," "Questions God Asks," "Questions Jesus Asks," "Pitchin' A Fit! Overcoming Angry & Stressed-Out Parenting," "Education: Does God Have an Opinion?," "Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Asks," & "Raising Them Up - Parenting for Christians."

Israel has been a regular columnist for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, Home School Digest, Home School Enrichment and Brush Arbor Quarterly magazines. He is also the site editor for

Since 1995, Israel has traveled the nation speaking on family, homeschooling, revival, discipleship, and cultural issues.

He is frequent guest on national radio and television programs. Israel's family began home educating in 1978 and has been featured in national and international publications including TIME Magazine, WORLD Magazine, Answers, Revive, HSLDA Court Report, The Arizona Republic, The New American and the Wall Street Journal. Israel has been featured as the keynote speaker at various conferences, with over 5,000 in attendance.

Israel and his wife Brook were joined in marriage without dating and share their testimony of God's faithfulness on an audiobook titled, "What God Has Joined Together." Israel and Brook, both homeschool graduates themselves, are homeschooling parents of ten children.

Israel desires to see God's people learn to think and live Biblically.

Aiming for both the head and the heart, Israel's goal is to challenge audiences to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. In his words, "God's Word applies to all areas of life. There is not one facet of our existence which does not fall under the direct claim of Lordship by Jesus Christ. This includes how we spend our money, what entertainment we consume, how we educate our children, how we use our time, etc. All of life must be understood from within a Biblical worldview."
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Show me your beliefs by the way you live. If our beliefs don’t change the way we live, they are insufficient to save us. C.S. Lewis told us: “A man can’t always be defending the truth; there must be a time to feed on it.
There will be no greater struggle facing parents in the 21st century than finding a balance between using the things of the world and being separated unto God. There are only two kingdoms, and two masters. Your children will serve one or the other. Satan has control of most of the media outlets. He runs the majority of the Internet. You as a parent need to wear your knees out in prayer for your children. How close can they get to the fire without being burned? How close do you want them to get?
Never confuse education and schooling. They are NOT the same thing. If a child wants to learn something, you cannot stop them. If a child does not want to learn, you cannot force them.
Do you know what one school supplier suggests that “special-education teachers” do for students who struggle with dyslexia, ADD, or other learning disabilities? They want the teachers to hypnotize the child to help them reach the higher levels of potential within themselves. They actually say in the catalog that spirit guides will assist the child, and the teacher should help the child get to know his or her guide. Of course, the teachers don’t inform the parents that their children will be exposed to demonic forces. The parents naively assume their children are receiving advanced reading lessons.
The fact is, the 10,000 hours that could be invested strategically in some important life goal will be spent on something. Will the 10,000 hours be spent on entertainment, government indoctrination, anti-Christian media, sports, video games, play, hanging out with peers, or. . . ? You’ll never get those hours back. Your time is your life.
The purpose of an education is to know our Creator.

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