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Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Nancy DeMoss WolgemuthNancy DeMoss Wolgemuth also known as Nancy Leigh DeMoss is the host and teacher for Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him, two nationally-syndicated programs heard each weekday on over 1,000 radio stations. She is a mentor and spiritual mother to thousands of women and a leader of the True Woman movement.
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You cannot expect to be victorious if the day begins only in your own strength.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2
Spiritual discernment involves using God’s Word as the standard for distinguishing and separating ideas and behaviors. It distinguishes and separates truth from falsehood, darkness from light, healthy from unhealthy, sound from unsound, and good from evil, based on the Bible’s plumb line.
If you are unprepared to live the way God wants you to, chances are, you’ll reject sound teaching and will simply gravitate toward teachers who will tell you what you want to hear.
And since that fateful day, “I’ll do it my way” has been the prideful inclination of every man and woman who has ever lived. We mess up our lives by refusing to accept God’s boundaries. We mess them up more by trying to cover the resulting problem with our own flimsy, ridiculous efforts. Instead of humbly submitting to God, we stubbornly refuse to believe that He knows better. We are literally “hell-bent” to do it our own way.
unthinkingly exposed themselves to so much deception that they do not even realize they are being deceived.
Brokenness is not a feeling or an emotion. Rather it requires a choice, an act of will...not a one time experience, but an ongoing constant way of life. A lifestyle of agreeing with God about the true condition of my heart and life-not as everyone else thinks it is, but as He knows it to be.
WHATEVER KIND OF CRISIS OR CHALLENGE you may be facing today, your greatest need is for a fresh look at the incomparable Christ. He alone is able to save us from sin, sanctify our hearts, satisfy our souls, and sustain us when we grow weary of running and are tempted to throw in the towel.
We so often find ourselves chafing against second causes—those people, circumstances, and events that seem to be wrecking our lives, making things so difficult and unbearable for us. But ultimately, we are not in the hands of other people and their sinful designs. We are not in the hands of chance or circumstance. As children of God, saved by His perfect sacrifice, our lives are in the safe care and keeping of our heavenly Father, and no one is able to “snatch” us from those hands (John 10:28).
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.” 2 Timothy 4:3
And there are no shortcuts or substitutes for “constant practice” when it comes to developing spiritual discernment—
Now I certainly had no intention of lying on the form, but I was trying to think of a creative way to make homemaker sound more important. Then the thought struck me: I am more concerned about the opinion of the individual who will read this questionnaire than I am about the approval of the One who has called me to be a homemaker. I had succumbed to worldly thinking rather than viewing my profession as the Bible portrays it—a high calling from God.
When God sent His only Son, Jesus, to this earth to bear your sin and mine on the cross, He put a price tag on us—He declared the value of our soul to be greater than the value of the whole world. Whose opinion are you going to accept? Believing a lie will put you in bondage. Believing the Truth will set you free.
True love is giving, not getting. Someone has said, "Love can always wait to give, but lust can never wait to get.
topics: love , lust  
Ours is an active faith. It is made alive and appealing only when our nouns turn into verbs.
What we believe about ourselves determines how we live. If we believe and act on lies, we will end up in bondage,
Listening to things that are not true is the first step toward ultimate bondage and death. That
The sun and moon keep their appointed seasons; the animals get up when God tells them to get up and they lie down when God directs them to do so. What is the result? “The earth is satisfied” (verse 13); “they are filled with good” (verse 28). Did you catch that? To surrender to the Creator’s control is not onerous or burdensome; it is, in fact, the place of blessing, fullness, and peace. There is no evidence in this passage of any stress, struggle, or strain. Why? Because the creation is not vying with the Creator for control.
The purpose of woman helping man isn’t about exalting the man. It’s really not about him (or her) at all. Her help contributes to the both of them achieving a greater, nobler eternal purpose that is far bigger and more significant than their own existence. She labors and serves alongside him for the same purpose for which he labors and serves. And what is that? The glory of God. Woman helps man achieve the purpose of exalting and displaying the jaw-dropping magnificence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our culture is obsessed with physical health and soundness. It advises us to avoid junk food, read labels, shop in whole-food stores, and pay more for organic foods. As a result, many people watch what they eat. But sadly, most are utterly unconcerned about their spiritual consumption. They are unaware that they are ingesting a lot of contaminated, unhealthy ideas.

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