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Karl Barth
In Jesus Christ there is no isolation of man from God or of God from man. Rather, in Him we encounter the history, the dialogue, in which God and man meet together and are together, the reality of the covenant MUTUALLY contracted, preserved, and fulfilled by them. Jesus Christ is in His one Person, as true GOD, MAN'S loyal partner, and as true MAN, GOD'S. He is the Lord humbled for communion with man and likewise the Servant exalted to communion with God.
topics: christ , god , jesus , mankind  
Byron J. Rees
Man is an animal who more than any other can adapt himself to all climates and circumstances.
topics: mankind  
G.K. Chesterton
This, too, was myself. It seemed natural and human. In my eyes it bore a livelier image of the spirit, it seemed more express and single, than the imperfect and divided countenance I had been hitherto accustomed to call mine. And in so far I was doubtless right. I have observed that when I wore the semblance of Edward Hyde, none could come near to me at first without a visible misgiving of the flesh. This, as I take it, was because all human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I accept this award today with an abiding faith in America and an audacious faith in the future of mankind. I refuse to accept despair as the final response to the ambiguities of history. I refuse to accept the idea that the "isness" of man's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal "oughtness" that forever confronts him. I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsom and jetsom in the river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Quanto mais gosto da humanidade em geral, menos aprecio as pessoas em particular, como indivíduos.
topics: mankind , people  
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Too many riddles weigh men down on earth. We must solve as we can, and try to keep a dry skin in the water.
topics: life , man , mankind , riddles  
G.K. Chesterton
Devolva-se a humanidade à forja que a criou e utilizem-se martelos semelhantes para tornar a esculpi-la e ela se contorcerá na mesma imagem torturada. Cultivem-se de novo as mesmas sementes de desordem e opressão rapaces e certamente serão colhidos os mesmos frutos amargos.
topics: mankind  
Fyodor Dostoevsky
For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind. And it is just this faith of mine that they laugh at.
Blaise Pascal
I can certainly imagine a man without hands, feet, or head, for it is only experience that teaches us that the head is more necessary than the feet. But I cannot imagine a man without thought; he would be a stone or an animal.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Jeżeli ludzkość bez wyjątku raz wyrzeknie się Boga (...), to sam przez się, bez ludożerstwa, upadnie cały stary światopogląd, przede wszystkim zaś, cała stara moralność, i nastąpi wszystko nowe. Ludzie zjednoczą się, by wziąć od życia wszystko, co ono dać może dla szczęścia i radości na jednym tylko świecie, na tym świecie. Człowiek wzniesie się do boskiej, tytanicznej dumy i zjawi się człowiek-bóg. Nieustannie pokonując przyrodę, już bez granic, wolą swą i nauką człowiek będzie odczuwał w tym rozkosz tak wzniosłą, że mu zastąpi ona całkowicie dawną nadzieję na niebieskie radości. Każdy pozna, że jest śmiertelny i nie licząc już na zmartwychwstanie, powita śmierć dumnie i spokojnie jak Bóg. Pojmie w dumie swojej, że nie ma co szemrać na to, że życie jest chwilką tylko i pokocha brata swego już bez żadnego wyrachowania na zapłatę. Miłość będzie wypełniała tylko krótki moment życia, lecz samo poczucie jej chwilowości wzmocni jej ogień nieskończenie silniej, niż dziś, gdy rozpływa się w nadziejach na miłość pozagrobową i nieskończoną...
D.A. Carson
When Adam and Eve bit into the fruit, therefore, they weren’t just violating some arbitrary command, “Don’t eat the fruit.” They were doing something much sadder and much more serious. They were rejecting God’s authority over them and declaring their independence from him. Adam and Eve wanted to be, as the Serpent promised them, “like God,” so both of them seized on what they thought was an opportunity to shed the vice-regency and take the crown itself. In all the universe, there was only one thing God had not placed under Adam’s feet—God himself. Yet Adam decided this arrangement was not good enough for him, and so he rebelled.
Blaise Pascal
What sort of freak then is man! How novel, how monstrous, how chaotic, how paradoxical, how prodigious! Judge of all things, feeble earthworm, repository of truth, sink of doubt and error, glory and refuse of the universe!
Francis Bacon
...the specious meditations, speculations, and theories of mankind are but a kind of insanity, only there is no one to stand by and observe it.
Thomas Carlyle
Wenn du fragst, wie die Leute hier sind, muß ich dir sagen: wie überall! Es ist ein einförmiges Ding um das Menschengeschlecht. Die meisten verarbeiten den größten Teil der Zeit, um zu leben, und das bißchen, das ihnen von Freiheit übrig bleibt, ängstigt sie so, daß sie alle Mittel aufsuchen, um es los zu werden. O Bestimmung des Menschen!
topics: mankind  
Blaise Pascal
Dependence, desire for independence, needs.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man does not live by bread alone.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
An offended moral and, even worse, esthetic feeling often produces a most unappeasable resentment.
topics: mankind  
Fyodor Dostoevsky
No woman will ever just forgive you for what you’ve done. First she’ll humiliate you as much as she can and remind you of all the mistakes you’ve ever made, and even of those you never made; she will forget nothing and add plenty, and only then will she forgive you.
topics: mankind  

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