Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Podcast: The Decline of the Mainlines
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. In this episode, Terry and Cole discuss Tim Keller’s most recent article, “The Decline and Renewal American Church Part 1: The Decline of the Mainline.” This podcast carries significant insights for the modern church based on Keller’s article. Keller addresses the question, “What is wrong with the modern American church?” He observes that the church will eventually become irrelevant in the church’s search for relevance within Ame…
Cole Feix,
Unlimited: The Only Wise God | Good News Unlimited
It is through Jesus Christ that God has revealed his wisdom, and it is through him that all glory should flow back to the Father.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
Unlimited: The Only Wise God | Good News Unlimited
It is through Jesus Christ that God has revealed his wisdom, and it is through him that all glory should flow back to the Father.
Eliezer Gonzalez,
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) Controversies As Voiced By Nate Sparks - Divorce Minister
My introduction to The Gospel Coalition (TGC) took place mostly while I was in seminary at Yale. I was definitely influenced by the leading members of this group including Piper and Keller, in particular. However, as I have matured as a Christian and walked through the difficult valleys of adultery discovery and divorce, I am … Continue reading “The Gospel Coalition (TGC) Controversies As Voiced By Nate Sparks”
David Derksen,
Mosiac Leadership
Once upon a time, there was a young pastor whose first church was in a small logging community in the Pacific Northwest. Everyone in the town worked for the logging mill, which was the only business and was involved in fierce competition with another mill just upstream. To get a break from his study, the pastor climbed up a slope overlooking the river. To his horror, he saw his church members pulling logs branded by the other mill from the river, cutting off the branded ends and running them …
Cole Feix,
Six Eternal Truths - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Many of Christians habitually think and act as if there is no eternity—or, as if what we do in this present life has no bearing on Heaven.
Randy Alcorn,
The Names Of God In The Bible - Part 2 - Pursuing Intimacy With God
Learning the names of God is useful to learn the character traits of God. Seek God with all your heart, and He will reveal Himself in real and personal ways.
Kevin Bart,
The Names Of God & Their Meanings - Pursuing Intimacy With God
The names of God. Bible study book & site on intimacy with God, prayer, praise, worship, God’s calling, abundant life, religion vs relationship with God…
Kevin Bart,

Group of Brands