Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Golden calf
By Elizabeth Prata After making their covenant, Moses taught the people what God wanted. This included instructions on worshipping God. God was very specific about it. So the Israelites worshipped …
Elizabeth Prata,
The Bible Is Incompatible Truth
Thispost was first published during November 2019. –ed. The exclusive claims of Scripture are at loggerheads with our pluralistic and relativistic culture. Today we live in a world dominated by inclusive prattle and “coexist” bumper stickers. Religions and philosophies only have value and merit inasmuch as they do not step on one anothers’ toes. The
John MacArthur,
Hindrances to effective fasting and prayer
HINDRANCES TO PRAYER AND FASTING Uncofessed Sin (1 Sam. 7.6, 11Chro. 7:14, James4:2-3) Ps. 66:18, 1Sam. 7:6, 1Jn1:9 Un believing Heart/spirit – Mark 11:23 Lack of love – Gal 6:2, I Jn. 3:22-23, Act…
Babatope Babalobi,

Group of Brands