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“IF in fact the Spirit is in you” ?
By Elizabeth Prata Paul wrote in Romans 8, However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does …
Elizabeth Prata,
Black Lives Do Matter, But the BLM Organization Opposes Christian Values: So What Should We Do? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
First, the slogan “Black lives matter” is not 50% or 90% right. It’s 100% right. (And it does not mean other lives don’t matter. More on that later.)
Randy Alcorn,
Communion Prayer and Preparing Your Heart to Partake in Communion
Taking part in the Body and Blood of Christ by partaking in communion is one way to show our love for God. Not just by drinking the wine that represents Jesus’ blood and eating the bread, which symbolizes His body, but by the communion prayer we say as we partake. Before I share with you
Sue Nelson,
Christ's life: 10 important lessons
Christ’s life gives us many practical lessons. Image: Rod Long|Unsplash Christ’s life can offer us many valuable lessons we can apply daily. These life lessons from the Lord perfectly capture what God commands us to do, so it’s only wise to learn about them. Here are 10 important life lessons you should get from Christ’s
Berlin Flores,
Discerning Self-Evaluation
Thispost was first published during April 2014. –ed. Scripture is clear that believers must be faithful to examine and judge our own selves: “If we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged” (1 Corinthians 11:31). This calls for a careful searching and judging of our own hearts. Paul called for this self-examination every time
John MacArthur,
Seven Behaviors that Kill Marriages –
“I forgive you” is more than just a syrupy sentiment or some empty words we utter to get the positive feels back in the relationship. Forgiveness is the choice to completely let go of hostility, re…
Lisa Price,
Seven Behaviors that Kill Marriages –
“I forgive you” is more than just a syrupy sentiment or some empty words we utter to get the positive feels back in the relationship. Forgiveness is the choice to completely let go of hostility, re…
Lisa Price,
Judge Everything
This series was first published during June 2018. –ed. False teachers flourish where there is no scrutiny. That’s why so many of them set up camp in environments where there is little to no biblical discernment—where God’s Word is nothing more than a supplement to personal experience, anecdote, and embellishment. Why do the heavy lifting
John MacArthur,
What Does a Christian Have to do to Grow Spiritually?
Because no man (or woman) is an island we are all effected to one degree or another by the actions of others. The insensitive, sinful and selfish actions of other people can cause the kind of dama…
Lisa Price,
What Does a Christian Have to do to Grow Spiritually?
Because no man (or woman) is an island we are all effected to one degree or another by the actions of others. The insensitive, sinful and selfish actions of other people can cause the kind of dama…
Lisa Price,

Group of Brands