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The Organized Worship Leader
During my 30 years of worship leading and leading church music departments, I have discovered that one of the best ways to take any stress out of music ministry is to be organized and well prepared. During my busiest seasons I have had 120 people on my worship team. That included a 6 piece rhythm
Mark Cole,
God’s Secret Agent
A hidden believer, strategically placed in Ahab and Jezebel’s palace, successfully carries out his God-given secret assignment.
Maureen Hall Puccini,
This woman spoke volumes by not speaking
By Elizabeth Prata When I was a young adult my social sphere overlapped with a group of women who liked to party. Individually they were fine. But when they got together they were loud, raucous, le…
Elizabeth Prata,
Wayne Grudem on Systematic Theology, and Why It Matters - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
This article from Wayne Grudem is a great introduction to what systematic theology is, and why it matters.
Randy Alcorn,
The New Apostolic Reformation: Movement or Myth? With Dr. Doug Geivett, Holly Pivec, and Dr. Michael Brown — The Alisa Childers Podcast #19
​​If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to have my weekly blogs and podcasts delivered directly to your inbox. I have a question for you Alisa. I grew up in a church that believed that the Spiritual Gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, decernment, and other Gifts were done away...
Alisa Childers,
Why Aren’t we Connecting in Church?
Don’t judge others for being real- Just don’t. Judgment kills intimacy and destroys community. Our role as Christians is to encourage, correct, redirect and cheer-lead (Galatians 6:1, Hebrews 3:13,…
Lisa Price,
Why Aren’t we Connecting in Church?
Don’t judge others for being real- Just don’t. Judgment kills intimacy and destroys community. Our role as Christians is to encourage, correct, redirect and cheer-lead (Galatians 6:1, Hebrews 3:13,…
Lisa Price,
Unity not Uniformity, by Geoff Waugh
Unity not Uniformity by Geoff Waugh Dr Geoff Waugh published Body Ministry, a popular version of his Doctor of Missiology degree dissertation from Fuller Seminary. This article is reproduced and a…
Geoff Waugh,
Speaking in tongues was NOT a sign for unbelieving jews, and the gift is still in use
Speaking in tongues was NOT only a sign for unbelieving jews (as a sign of God’s judgment on Israel) 1 Cor. 14: 3-4 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth HIMSELF; but he that prophes…
Annika Björk,
Some Amazing Bible Verses About Miracles Ever Recorded
God has absolute power to do anything. Here are some of the best Bible verses about miracles; a donkey talked, Jesus walks on water, heals, ascended to heaven, etc,
Anthony Eshun,

Group of Brands