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Do You Have 2020 Vision? — iWork4Him
Happy New Year! Most of us will not mourn the passing of 2020. It was a year of fear and strife. It was a year of lost freedoms and lost loved ones. It was a year we may want to forget but will likely remember forever. When the year began, remember how many people said 2020 would be the year of 20/2
Jim Brangenberg,
Hypothesis, research and faith – Attempts at Honesty
The difference between science and faith is not one of method. The difference is what data are allowed to be considered.
Mark H. McIntyre,
Hope Holders: Reflections on Mary - Lin Wilder
Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus with plain and zigzag border and white background Hope holders: Reflections on Mary “Hope Holders Reflections on Mary” conveys the search for, and then the gift, of this faith- the stunning, world-shaking descent of it
Lin Wilder,
Camp Blessing...and Grace and Truth Link Up - Lauren Sparks
I want to use this to honor all the special needs parents whose love and sacrifice often go unnoticed. And may you all find rest and respite this summer. #CampBlessing
Lauren Sparks,
Mike Rizzo of IHOP (International House of Prayer), Kansas, guest-posts on Smuggling Eden into Marriages | Dreaming Beneath the Spires
Mike Rizzo introduces Longing for Eden Over the last thirty plus years of pastoral ministry, I can’t remember a single instance of a husband and wife being in severe conflict (talking divorce) while at the same time being spiritually vibrant. The disconnect between husband and wife is always a manifestation of a “God disconnect.” In other […]
Anita Mathias,
A Cardinal Reminder
My husband and I both grew up in Illinois where the State Bird is the Cardinal and our favorite baseball team is the ELEVEN-TIME WORLD CHAMPION ST. LOUIS CARDINALS. Guess you could say we’re …
Vickie Munton,
When A Porcelain Throne Becomes A Throne of Grace
It’s a good thing I don’t believe in coincidence or I might choose more carefully how I write. My last post was a clear message of faith over fear. Choosing to NOT worry. Trusting God&…
Vickie Munton,
Why do some live longer than others?
Why do some die young, while others live long lives? We can come up with
Greg Laurie,
What About My Questions? - Lauren Sparks
I’ve been listening to Annie F. Downs’ podcast called “That Sounds Fun”. If you haven’t ever tuned in, I would highly recommend it, although it’s not as light and airy as the title implies. Annie interviews Christian authors, musicians, ministry leaders and athletes currently making an impact for God’s kingdom. And sometimes the conversations get […]
Lauren Sparks,
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
Conversely, bloggers should avoid the temptation to turn their page into a personal confessional. Assaulting an unsuspecting stranger with awkward private junk is more than just harmless over-shari…
Lisa Price,

Group of Brands