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Open Your Heart — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
The heart of this holiday of hearts is only discovered in my ability to love others and to open my heart to be loved in return.
Carol McLeod,
Mutual Passion: The Artist in Community
I’ve blogged a lot about the importance of artists of faith being in community with one another. It is a powerful and encouraging thing to see people with mutual passions gathering together a…
Manuel A. Luz,
Grateful for What We Still Have — grateful, yet grieving
Last year I was able to hear Dr. Edith Eva Eger, author of “The Choice” speak at a conference. She is a psychologist and holocaust survivor who recently turned 93. As I listened, I was mesmerized by how she viewed the world after living through the horrors of the holocaust. &
Pam Luschei,
Imprints of Love — Grateful, Yet Grieving
Because we love, we grieve. Through our attachment, we form a bond. We give ourselves a gift when we recognize and allow the “marks” of our loved one to be acknowledged and affirmed.
Pam Luschei,
How to Love Others Well — Carol McLeod Ministries
Let me take you on a Valentine’s journey created to reinvigorate your heart toward this day of hearts, roses and gift-giving to those you love.
Carol McLeod,
What’s the Value of Your Treasure?
There’s difference between collecting and hoarding. I don’t know what it is, but there is a difference, right? At least, collecting sounds more refined. Wouldn’t you rather have your daughter introduce her boyfriend as a collector than as a hoarder? The difference is all in the eyes of the beholder.
Lynn H. Pryor,
A Special Invitation — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life
What if you had the opportunity every single day of your life from this day forward to walk into the living room of nearly every person you have ever met in your entire life?
Carol McLeod,
Love’s Got Everything To Do With It –
~ CHAPTER NINE ~ Love’s Got Everything to Do with It “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”-1 Corinthians 13:13 This popular verse taken out of context from the Love Chapter pops up everywhere from wedding invitations to Facebook affirmations adorned with mythical unicorns. Then one of the women, a sober-looking woman with a wig, asked me: “If you died today, do you know with full assurance you would go to heaven?” Just then I heard giggling and rumbling from the closet. “They had better go back to the drawing board and reinvent their approach,” I suggested, and “I’ve never been more humiliated or offended by a brother or sister in Christ.” I would apply the old saying, “If I can’t be a good example, then let me at least be a horrible warning.” Paul warned about it didn’t he?
Christine Lind,
There is More Than This
How much effort does it take to “hope”? Hoping for a life that is better than your current one. I think most don’t say, “I hope I …” but instead, they say, “I wish I …”. Hope definition is –…
Mark Brady,
New Depths in Old Comfort
This week, I discovered new depths in a well-known Bible verse – perhaps so well known that we take it for granted. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”1 John 4:18 ESV An unexpecte
Dvora Elisheva,

Group of Brands