Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Reformation history; Jenny Geddes and her stool
By Elizabeth Prata the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. (1 Corinthians 14:34). Paul was exhorting ab…
Elizabeth Prata,
Does a woman reading a Scripture verse during worship constitute “exercising authority”?
By Elizabeth Prata I was asked this question by a reader and it’s a good question! Thank you, sister for the query. We have several verses in scripture that speak to ecclesiastical roles/duti…
Elizabeth Prata,
Are usurping authority and teaching, two different activities or are they the same?
By Elizabeth Prata A women sent in a question recently and it was a good one. I’ll share it and my answer here. She is a writer concerned that men if read her material she would be in sin. Sh…
Elizabeth Prata,
They make such excuses: Exhibit B, Aimee Byrd
By Elizabeth Prata Byrd’s Twitter profile picture AIMEE BYRD is a woman that has been in spiritual decline for a few years. At least, public evidence of a decline has been observed for a few …
Elizabeth Prata,
Bible on women ordination : Can a woman be a Pastor?
Babatope Babalobi Join Telegram prayer group: Apostle Paul is perhaps the greatest of all the human authors of the Bible books, yet he is one of the most controversial. His ̵…
Babatope Babalobi,
Female Deacons? Women Serving Communion? A Reader Asks
A reader contacted me and asked the following question: “Understanding Paul’s instruction for men’s and women’s roles in the church in 1 Timothy, what are your thoughts on women deacons serving the communion elements to the body?” Hmmm. Good question. In today’s culture, a thorny one too. Let’s first define terms.
Elizabeth Prata,
The Bible is clear: Women cannot be pastors or teach men. This even includes Beth Moore
By Elizabeth Prata Sunday Beth Moore preached again, this time at a Baptist Church in Houston. She described her attendance as not preaching but “serving,” which is disingenuous. It is …
Elizabeth Prata,
Andy, Rudolf, and Marcion
Plenty has already been written about Andy Stanley’s recent comments about “unhitching” the Hebrew Scriptures from Christianity (this one is especially good), so I am actually a little reluctant to pile on. However, as this issue of what to do with the Hebrew Scriptures looms so large, I feel like it warrants some additional thoughts. In sum, Andy Stanley wants to make sure we as a church place no unnecessary burden on those we would see come to faith in Christ Jesus. One obstacle he sees is …
Cole Feix,
Links to video sermons by Babatope Babalobi
10 most popular video sermons Marriage: I want to get married now! Prayers to stop evil dreams and night Deliverance prayers against witchcraft and evil spirits Command the morning prayers: I comma…
Babatope Babalobi,

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