Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Until a Person Finds God
My eye doctor informed me that my eyes will never get better, or go back to the way they were before the disease set in them. He said, “All we can do is maintain them so you can continue to see.” …
Mark Brady,
The Most Religious People I Know
A while back I did a little research for a class I was teaching. I became hopelessly sidetracked by a series of stories I found on atheists and their political and social activities. A good portion…
Lisa Price,
The Most Religious People I Know
A while back I did a little research for a class I was teaching. I became hopelessly sidetracked by a series of stories I found on atheists and their political and social activities. A good portion…
Lisa Price,
A lesson learned from angry atheists – Attempts at Honesty
A recent post for got a response from several angry atheists. I share the lesson I learned from this exchange in this post.
Mark H. McIntyre,
Head Knowledge vs. Heart Knowledge - NewCREEations
There are different kinds of knowledge and that makes a huge difference how we apply what we learn and whether it has any impact on us for positive change.
Chris Cree,
Many of the battles we are facing today, both personal and corporate, are the result of a limitation of Holy Spirit’s presence and power. The politically-correct spirit is the world’s […]
Wanda Alger,
Why They Killed Jesus
“You think if you don’t fight back then maybe they’ll like you, stop picking on you and calling you a freak? Well, here’s what it is. They don’t like you; they don’t dislike you. They’re afraid of …
Mark Brady,
Why They Killed Jesus
“You think if you don’t fight back then maybe they’ll like you, stop picking on you and calling you a freak? Well, here’s what it is. They don’t like you; they don’t dislike you. They’re afraid of …
Mark Brady,
The Problem of Evil
This series, first published in January of 2017, answers many of the common questions—asked today by believers and unbelievers alike—about why evil flourishes in this world while God remains sovereign over it. -ed. One of the most common excuses given by those who reject the God of the Bible is the issue of evil in
John MacArthur,
Many of the battles we are facing today, both personal and corporate, are the result of a limitation of Holy Spirit’s presence and power. The politically-correct spirit is the world’s […]
Wanda Alger,

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