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The Insane Church-y Pressure To Appear "Forgiving" - Divorce Minister
They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. -Jeremiah 6:14, NIV The pressure from Christians to appear forgiving towards adulterous spouses or exes is incredible. This pressure was enshrined in my ecclesiastical trial to retain my minister’s license. They probed around … Continue reading “The Insane Church-y Pressure To Appear “Forgiving””
David Derksen,
What Does The Bible Say About Judging Others?
What does the Bible say about judging others? Matthew recorded Jesus as saying “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Co
Robin McKinley,
Did God move King David to make a census, or did Satan? Sin or no sin?
In 2 Sam. 24 it says that God moved David to make a census of Israel’s military power, but in 1 Chron. 21 it says that Satan moved him to do so. Can these two statements be combined, or are t…
Annika Björk,
Mailbag: "'Feeling self-righteous and morally superior is a big trap.'" - Divorce Minister
Today, Chump Lady sent me this comment from her blog highlighting some rather awful advice given by a minister to a faithful spouse: I am so glad to read this post and all the replies tonight. I had an email exchange with my (former) minister earlier today that really frustrated me. I reached out to … Continue reading “Mailbag: “‘Feeling self-righteous and morally superior is a big trap.’””
David Derksen,
Is Church Membership Biblical?
I must admit, Facebook is an excellent place to get new ideas for topics to write about on my blog. And, as is bound to happen when p…
Russ Sharrock,
Communion, Lord’s Supper: Taking it in an Unworthy Manner?
by Elizabeth Prata EPrata photo If you are a believing, regular church goer you more than likely take Communion. This ordinance established by Jesus involves eating the bread and drinking the wine.…
Elizabeth Prata,
Finding the Right Words for Wrong Behavior-
The women are instructed to be endlessly patient with their straying husbands and to do everything within their power to keep their marriages intact. Not once were the women (who were sinned agains…
Lisa Price,
Finding the Right Words for Wrong Behavior-
The women are instructed to be endlessly patient with their straying husbands and to do everything within their power to keep their marriages intact. Not once were the women (who were sinned agains…
Lisa Price,
Understanding Prophecy and Intercession — House of David Ministries
The Bible tells us that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Jesus further spoke that if we searched the scriptures, we would find they entirely testify of Him. Therefore, every dream or every vision that is truly from the Lord, and every word uttered by the power of the Holy Spi
Eric M. Teitelman,
Missions at the Margins, by Bob Ekblad
Missions at the Margins by Bob Ekblad Dr Bob Ekblad wrote as director of Tierra Nueva and The People’s Seminary in Burlington, Washington. A minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), he holds …
Geoff Waugh,

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