Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
5 Practical & Effective Tips to Lose Weight - Melanie Redd
Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight.
Melanie Redd,
Let’s Get Healthy! – Part 2 – Pathways to Organization
Hello again! I hope you have started the process of living healthy from last week’s blog. I want to continue with some more tips this week.
Lane Jordan,
Eating Disorders: A Slow Suicide - Charlaine Martin Charlaine Martin
Original post-2015 Reposted 3/2022 Photo from modeling class, 1982. Weight 110 pounds after God’s miraculous healing. You joined the gym and started that diet, but you and your body aren’t good friends. Your scale hates you because the numbers aren’t going your way. So how do you get the muffin top and saddlebags to disappear? Your value is not in your weight nor your appearance, but your identity in Jesus Christ.
Charlaine Martin,
Am I complete?  Worship the One who makes you complete.
When will you be complete? When you get that degree, get married, attain life goals? When you finally reach some random, soon to come moment and “feel” complete? Any Christian struggling with…
Gina Williamson,
10 Virtual Seminar Topics Your Church Should Be Addressing
Here are 10 virtual seminar topics your church members want you to address and you can do this easily online.
Nelson Musonda,
5 Proven Ways to a Better Brain in 2020 - Charles Stone
Want to boost your brain power? Then try these proven, science-based ways to boost your brain power and keep a healthy brain.
Charles Stone,
Taking Care of Your Temple: Introducing 1245 Salon and Spa's New Look!!! - After the Altar Call
Hello World, Don’t get it twisted! Just because we are Christians does not mean we have to ignore our outer beauty to work on our inner beauty! In fact, in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, it says… “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
The Faith Community Hosts 'Holy Smokes: A Gathering of Cigar Enthusiasts Discussing Life, Faith & Theology" at Highland Cigar Company! - After the Altar Call
Hello World, I once dated a man who was a cigar enthusiast, a cigar connoisseur actually. On one of our first dates, he took me to Highland Cigar Company in downtown Atlanta. I remember when he told me that is where he wanted to go, I was hesitant at first. At the time, I had […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
Stage Fright and the Artist
As a child learning to play the piano, I would do something that might be considered a little odd. When I practiced a large piece, I would pretend I was giving a concert. In my mind’s eye, I …
Manuel A. Luz,
Your inner child deserves just as much care
1 Corinthians 6:19-20:“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”As an adult, your focus often centers on building...

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