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A Biblical View of the Confederate Flag
You cannot deny that America is changing quickly. There are strong and dangerous currents flowing through our country. As a pastor, I’m very concerned. I worry about PCC that we not be swept away b…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
A Biblical View of the Confederate Flag
You cannot deny that America is changing quickly. There are strong and dangerous currents flowing through our country. As a pastor, I’m very concerned. I worry about PCC that we not be swept away b…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Seven Really Good Reasons Not to Legalize Drugs
Drug use makes people passive and easy to manipulate- I am not normally prone to conspiracy theories and tin-foil hat notions. Nonetheless, it has occurred to me that if a government were looking…
Lisa Price,
Lessons From the Life of Joab-
All that being said, Joab possessed one other commendable quality. It was a character trait that is much needed in our wishy-washy, never say anything the way it really is, never offend anyone (no …
Lisa Price,
“The Lord rebuke you!" Jude 9 - Booty and Treasures fer All!
(Yes, we are all guilty of allowing heretics and unclean spirits to attack the Body of Christ.) “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 9) Oh Lord, wise folks with understanding and the wisdom that comes down from heaven lead humble lives of good deeds. (Romans 14:13) May our rights in yer grace and mercy not become a hinderance, but clear a path fer the weak in order that they may fall inter yer lovin’ arms. (1 Corinthians 8:9) Right here, right now we declare that all spirits of bitterness and selfishness, and pride be cast out from our assembly in the powerful name of Jesus.
Eddie Jones,
Lessons From the Life of Joab-
All that being said, Joab possessed one other commendable quality. It was a character trait that is much needed in our wishy-washy, never say anything the way it really is, never offend anyone (no …
Lisa Price,
Seven Really Good Reasons Not to Legalize Drugs
Drug use makes people passive and easy to manipulate- I am not normally prone to conspiracy theories and tin-foil hat notions. Nonetheless, it has occurred to me that if a government were looking…
Lisa Price,
Liberty, Knowledge and Sin
This series was first published during September 2014. –ed. First Corinthians 8is Paul’s response to a gray-area question dividing the church at Corinth. Paul doesn’t simply give the Corinthians a “yes” or “no” answer to their questions about eating meat sacrificed to idols. He helps them think through the purpose of their liberty and the
John MacArthur,
Liberty, Knowledge and Sin
This series was first published during September 2014. –ed. First Corinthians 8is Paul’s response to a gray-area question dividing the church at Corinth. Paul doesn’t simply give the Corinthians a “yes” or “no” answer to their questions about eating meat sacrificed to idols. He helps them think through the purpose of their liberty and the
John MacArthur,
Five Things That Must be Done Right Now to Make the Church Healthy-
This is not about freedom in Christ or the right some post-modern Christians think they have to be uninhibited by any and all rules (1st Corinthians 6:20, 1st Corinthians 8:9, 2nd Timothy 2:5). Thi…
Lisa Price,

Group of Brands