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We Must Stand for Truth – Pathways to Organization
What is so extraordinary is that these leaflets were distributed so widely, as in telephone booths, mailed to important professors, and taken by courier to other universities, that the Nazi party thought it was being backed by a very large terrorist group rather than a small group of students. Her friend, Else Gebel remembers the last words Sophie said, “How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause…What does my death matter if, by our acts, thousands are warned and alerted.” And then she said, “God, my refuge into eternity.” But this phenomenal story doesn’t end here! Playwright Lillian Groag said in Newsday on February 22, 1993, “It is possibly the most spectacular moment of resistance that I can think of in the twentieth century…The fact that five little kids, in the mouth of the wolf, where it really counted, had the tremendous courage to do what they did, is spectacular to me.
Lane Jordan,
We Must Stand for Truth – Pathways to Organization
What is so extraordinary is that these leaflets were distributed so widely, as in telephone booths, mailed to important professors, and taken by courier to other universities, that the Nazi party thought it was being backed by a very large terrorist group rather than a small group of students. Her friend, Else Gebel remembers the last words Sophie said, “How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause…What does my death matter if, by our acts, thousands are warned and alerted.” And then she said, “God, my refuge into eternity.” But this phenomenal story doesn’t end here! Playwright Lillian Groag said in Newsday on February 22, 1993, “It is possibly the most spectacular moment of resistance that I can think of in the twentieth century…The fact that five little kids, in the mouth of the wolf, where it really counted, had the tremendous courage to do what they did, is spectacular to me.
Lane Jordan,
The Stand That Saved a Child’s Life - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
I love the grace and truth that was modeled in the response to this woman, and the actions that followed their promise of help.
Randy Alcorn,
What a Dead Dog, the Good Samaritan and Voicemail Have in Common - Lauren Sparks
At the tender driving age of 16, I ran over a dog. The whole story embarrasses me, but we are friends. So here goes. I was driving a Ford Tempo that I shared with my twin sister on a very dark farm-to-market road…with two kids I babysat for in the backseat…when I practically went airborne. […]
Lauren Sparks,
With Actions And Truth - Divorce Minister
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. – I John 3:18, NIV Who has loved you “with actions and in truth?” What did they do? AG lent me his car when mine was broken down, and I needed to get to work. He also sat with … Continue reading “With Actions And Truth”
David Derksen,
Praying God's Word Wednesday #14 - Lauren Sparks
Today is Tell the Truth Day. I’m not proclaiming. It’s an actual thing. And I couldn’t not address it here on Praying God’s Word Wednesday.
Lauren Sparks,
Performance Spells D-E-A-T-H To Marriage - Divorce Minister
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. – I John 4:18, ESV This past weekend I was at a married men’s retreat with men from my home church. At such an event, I sometimes … Continue reading “Performance Spells D-E-A-T-H To Marriage”
David Derksen,
Full Strength Medicine Needed! - Divorce Minister
“She always struck me as the type that needed to take her medicine straight up.” – J, a friend from seminary, referring to my (now) ex-wife These pearls of wisdom came from a true friend during a time when I was floundering. I needed to grow a backbone quickly. Thankfully, I had a friend like … Continue reading “Full Strength Medicine Needed!”
David Derksen,
Empty Religious Language Manipulations - Divorce Minister
“I only say this because I love you.” -Christian busybody “For your own good, I hope you have forgiven them.” -Concerned Christian I cannot stand people who use the name of Christ to manipulate other Christians. This is the result of my experiences around the dissolution of my first marriage. I sadly encountered many “Christians” … Continue reading “Empty Religious Language Manipulations”
David Derksen,
Cherishing Children in a Culture of Contempt
The disciples once viewed children as an inconvenience. But Jesus showed that children—just like adults—are image-bearers whom He loves and are worth His time and attention.
Jason Davis,

Group of Brands