Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
To Mommas of Toddlers—We Salute You! - Denise Pass
To every first time + toddler mama in the world, I raise my sippy cup to you, because yeah, I use one once in a while too. (No judgment here my friend.)
Denise Pass,
How to Love Your Neighbor Who Has Hurt You - Amy Lively
We welcome Alicia Hudson to the blog today to share how she overcame incredible hurt to figure out how to love her neighbor. Yeah – that neighbor… the very one who had hurt her the most.
Amy Lively,
Don’t Turn the Love Button Off..
Don’t turn the love button off. It was unconditional love that kept Jesus till He got to the cross. The God-kind of love. The love that is transparent. The love that doesn’t come with c…
Joy Uchennaya,
How to Conquer Fear - Enjoying the Journey
Fear is real and it is paralyzing. A world in flux has produced a world filled with fear. Frequently I […]
Scott Pauley,
The Preparation and Presentation of the Bride
In Revelation 21:2 John says, “I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” This is the fulfillment of Ephesians…
Don Martin,
The Preparation and Presentation of the Bride
In Revelation 21:2 John says, “I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” This is the fulfillment of Ephesians…
Don Martin,
12 Bible Verses To Love One Another And Even Your Enemies
A Christian who searches for Bible verses to love one another must demonstrate the perfect love of God to cover everyone. The reward is far greater.
Anthony Eshun,
20 Inspiring quotes, Bible verses about commitment in a relationship
No strings attach. This is one of the prevalent set up of relationships in this era. Many people would love to be in this kind of no-commitment relationship, while others nowadays value satisfaction over responsibilities and long-term commitment. Why commitment in a relationship matters? As Christians, we no longer conform...
Jepryll Torremoro,
God Will Provide for Himself a Lamb — House of David Ministries
We all know the story of Abraham, how he took his only son Isaac to Jerusalem and was prepared to offer him as a burnt offering to the Lord on Mount Moriah. They traveled for three days until Abraham saw the place in the distance. As he and his son carried the wood and fire for the sacrifice, Isaac
Eric M. Teitelman,
God Will Provide for Himself a Lamb — House of David Ministries
We all know the story of Abraham, how he took his only son Isaac to Jerusalem and was prepared to offer him as a burnt offering to the Lord on Mount Moriah. They traveled for three days until Abraham saw the place in the distance. As he and his son carried the wood and fire for the sacrifice, Isaac
Eric M. Teitelman,

Group of Brands