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Why every Christian must Become a Voice of Reason in our Unreasonable Time-
Christians should fight to protect the God-given rights every human on earth has to life, equal treatment under the law, free speech, and the ability to worship God freely and without fear (Exodus …
Lisa Price,
Why every Christian must Become a Voice of Reason in our Unreasonable Time-
Christians should fight to protect the God-given rights every human on earth has to life, equal treatment under the law, free speech, and the ability to worship God freely and without fear (Exodus …
Lisa Price,
Elijah: Facing Our Fears
The prophet Elijah began his ministry as a prophet at a time when the Northern Kingdom was facing a religious crisis. The deplorable conditions of the nation were caused by the policies of Ahab, ki…
Claude F. Mariottini,
Elijah: Facing Our Fears
The prophet Elijah began his ministry as a prophet at a time when the Northern Kingdom was facing a religious crisis. The deplorable conditions of the nation were caused by the policies of Ahab, ki…
Claude F. Mariottini,

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