Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Is Adultery Ever Justifiable? - Divorce Minister
Is adultery ever justifiable in the eyes of God? Put another way: How bad a husband/wife does one have to be to justify adultery? Faithful Spouse Bad: Fail to do the laundry. Consequence: Wife cheats on husband. Faithful Spouse Bad: Fail to make a six figure salary. Consequence: Wife cheats on husband. Faithful Spouse Bad: … Continue reading “Is Adultery Ever Justifiable?”
David Derksen,
Filled with God’s Holiness for the Holy City
John writes, “I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem” (Rev. 21:2). The holy city is holy because God is holy. Holiness is the nature of God. Love reveals God’s heart, righteousness is God’s…
Don Martin,
White as Snow: God's Call to Holiness
As we launch a New Year, I am pondering God’s call to holiness. It’s snowing. The whiteness is blinding after days of dull, dreary rain. Watching the snow, I sense God’s Spirit saying, “I am holy. I live in blinding light. I want you to be holy as well.”God, the...
Peggi Tustan,
You Are Set Apart to …
I once spent $15 at a garage sale for a guitar. I didn’t care if it worked; I didn’t care how it sounded. I had another idea in mind. I made a lamp. (I wanted the light to come on when you strummed…
Lynn H. Pryor,
How Do You Define Purity? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
God says, “You should be holy, because I the Lord God am holy” (see Leviticus 20:26, 1 Peter 1:16). In other words, holiness is built into the character of God. He has a separateness and hatred toward sin. God does not want to be near sin, and He does not...
Randy Alcorn,
White as Snow: God's Call to Holiness
Welcome to Real Life . What does it mean to be holy? “True holiness is not achieved by what we do, but what we allow God to do in us.” –Mark...
Peggi Tustan,
Does God Really Care About Holiness?
Sin has been the struggle of every man and woman since the serpent charmed Eve in the garden. It didn’t take much persuasion for him to…
Russ Sharrock,
The Sheer Joy of Holiness
Being holy doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? (It’s OK to nod your head; no one’s looking.) We know holiness is supposed to be good for us because it’s what God wants for us, but fun? I occasion…
Lynn H. Pryor,
White as Snow: God's Call to Holiness
Welcome to Real Life . What does it mean to be holy? “True holiness is not achieved by what we do, but what we allow God to do in us.” –Mark...
Peggi Tustan,
Why Are Christians Bitter and Unhappy? - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
I see too many long-faced Christians who seem continuously angry, disillusioned, and defensive over politics and the infringement of their rights.
Randy Alcorn,

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