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Don't Fall for Devilish Tricks! — Michelle Blan
Today is April Fools Day. Have you played any jokes on anyone? Did you fall victim to a prankster? This day is notorious for all sorts of jokes – some that fail, some that gain a chuckle, and others that go down in the history books (only to be re-lived every April 1st for years to come). Wh
Michelle Blan,
Turning Why Me Into What Now - Sharon Jaynes
My son and I sat on the floor in his room playing Rummy. We had just a few minutes before rushing off to register for his summer swim class and wanted to get in one more round of play. This summer was proving to be the best ever. Our Golden Retriever, Ginger, had just delivered seven adorable puppies, Steven was enjoying his sixth summer of life, Read more…
Sharon Jaynes,
Let Pressure Refine, Not Define You - Lisa Marcelina
Pressure! This is a word we Trinis use a lot when things get rough, or when something happens totally unexpectedly. There is a specific tone that goes with it too. Something like preeeeeeeshah!!!! I wish you could hear it. When we face unexpected events, or experience trials that totally throw us off guard, we must
Lisa Marcelina Granger,
Now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials
None of us wish for trials. Or flat tires. But we’d better stop seeing them as a sign that God’s failed us. Our trials are a sure sign of God’s love.
Abigail Wallace,
Feeling Hopeless as a Mom?
Every mother at one point or another feels like a hopeless failure but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t have help available to improve her parenting skills.
Kathy Collard Miller,
Priceless Treasure — Broken & Hopeful
One of the most often repeated lies people share with me in terms of what they think about themselves is that they are worthless. This has been communicated by various people in their lives, or by their own definition time and time again. Sometimes they feel they should be at a different place in th
Hannah Morrell,
In this follow-up video to my video from last week, “General Lee and Our Masonic Ties That Bind,” I address numerous questions I’ve received concerning masonic vows and generational curses. […]
Wanda Alger,
Image by Enric Caujapé from Pixabay 16 Then those whose lives honored God got together and talked it over. God saw what they were doing and listened in. A book was opened i…
Mark Brady,
Feeling Hopeless as a Mom?
Every mother at one point or another feels like a hopeless failure but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t have help available to improve her parenting skills.
Kathy Collard Miller,
In this follow-up video to my video from last week, “General Lee and Our Masonic Ties That Bind,” I address numerous questions I’ve received concerning masonic vows and generational curses. […]
Wanda Alger,

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