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This Week in History – A Poe Reputation
Let’s all wish a happy birthday (January 19) to America’s favorite brooding, depressed, womanizing, alcoholic, drug addicted author: Edgar Allan Poe. But wait a minute. Is that who Poe was really? …
Lynn H. Pryor,
This Week in History – A Poe Reputation
Let’s all wish a happy birthday (January 19) to America’s favorite brooding, depressed, womanizing, alcoholic, drug addicted author: Edgar Allan Poe. But wait a minute. Is that who Poe was really? …
Lynn H. Pryor,
Christ Can Be Magnified in Us (2)
Here are more verses about God’s expression through the believers in Christ. These all relate to our Christian life today. This is a preview of something much greater in the coming age and in…
Don Martin,
When Pastors get Pigeonholed - Charles Stone
Sometimes pastors get unfairly pigeonholed. When that happens, what should we do. In this post I offer some practical pointers.
Charles Stone,
Christ Can Be Magnified in Us (2)
Here are more verses about God’s expression through the believers in Christ. These all relate to our Christian life today. This is a preview of something much greater in the coming age and in…
Don Martin,
A Christian Response to President Biden
On Wednesday we inaugurated a new president. This inauguration has been contentious since November 3, but the dissension and sentiments that fuel this contention were brewing long before that. Many…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Boaz: “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before.” (Ruth 2:11) Boaz: “All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character.” (Ruth 3:11) When I read these verses about what Boaz heard about Ruth, I’m struck by how the gossip grapevine worked favorably, which is typically not the case. The grapevine usually is vici
Denise Kohlmeyer,
America is a Dumpster Fire: Here’s what Christians can do About it-
As tempting as it is we cannot in good conscience lay the blame for the chaos entirely at the feet of our increasingly inept and morally bankrupt political leaders. In a democracy decline is never…
Lisa Price,
Why we should take care of our image as Christians
“I am not here to please anybody but God.”Have you heard of this excuse? Most Christians also think we should not please anybody but God. However, how can we become witnesses if we do not take care of our image? Taking care of what others think about us does not...
Jepryll Torremoro,
John MacArthur on Faithfulness
This post was originally published in March 2019.–ed. What key qualities do you look for in a church leader? In a world enamored with worldly metrics of success—popularity, influence, acclaim, and charisma—it’s easy for Christians to be swept along with the conventional secular thinking of our day. But we need to be always mindful of
John MacArthur,

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