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Single Ladies: Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage? - Part 1 of 5 - Intercession For A Generation Blog
As women, it’s easy to concentrate on the glitz and glamour of romance in a God-fulfilling relationship with a man, but the presentation of a godly relationship
Russelyn Williams,
4 Ways To Help Win Your Husband To Christ - Ron Edmondson
I am thankful for the women that bring their family to church every Sunday alone, because their husbands will not come. I know that many of those women have one great prayer request; that their husband would become a believer and/or assume the role of spiritual leadership in the home. Having walked through this with many families over the years, I would like to share some suggestions of things I have seen that work for wives in helping to wind their husband for Christ.
Ron Edmondson,
Adulterous Assault of Masculinity and Feminity - Divorce Minister
When adultery or infidelity takes place, lies are seeded into the hearts of the faithful spouses. Or they are attempted to be seeded. These are nasty things. They attack the worth and well-being of the victim of this heinous sin. The lies attempt to steal even more from the faithful spouse whose soul has just … Continue reading “Adulterous Assault of Masculinity and Feminity”
David Derksen,
Adulterous Assault of Masculinity and Feminity - Divorce Minister
When adultery or infidelity takes place, lies are seeded into the hearts of the faithful spouses. Or they are attempted to be seeded. These are nasty things. They attack the worth and well-being of the victim of this heinous sin. The lies attempt to steal even more from the faithful spouse whose soul has just … Continue reading "Adulterous Assault of Masculinity and Feminity"
David Derksen,
Single Ladies, Are You Ready for This Responsibility in Marriage? - Part 6 (Choose Wisely) - Intercession For A Generation Blog
​The Importance of Marrying in Christ and the Additional Death If We Do Not Marry In Christ: IT WAS NEVER GOD’S WILL FOR US TO MARRY INTO BONDAGE, BUT TO M
Russelyn Williams,
He listened to his wife
By Elizabeth Prata Remember video stores? Before streaming was invented you had to physically go to a video store and rent a movie, checking it out from the store. You drive home and pop it in to t…
Elizabeth Prata,
Famous married Bible couples: Both spouses good, one bad-one good, both bad
By Elizabeth Prata EPrata photo Our Sunday School class is going through the book of Esther. We had spent 26 weeks going through the Doctrine of Providence, when that class concluded, one of our te…
Elizabeth Prata,
PRIDE - Impacting Righteously
Pride is a root problem from which other problems exist. The sad and scary fact is that many Christians are prideful too.
Petrina Ferguson,
God’s Will in Marriage (1st Peter 3:1-7)
Next to the vow you take to the Lord, the marriage vow is the most sacred and intimate on earth. In Scripture, the Lord’s coming is like a groom to his brid ...
Christine Malkemes,
Two dirty words of the new Millennium
I suppose the Millennium isn’t new anymore, now being in its second decade. However in this day and age we see the words obey and submit as increasingly maligned.We usually see the kerfuffles…
Elizabeth Prata,

Group of Brands