Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Focus On Ways To Do Good And To Be Right - Christian Perspectives
As Christians, we have responsibilities to both God and people. With that in mind, we must focus on ways to do good and to be right.
Robin McKinley,
When do we fail during persecution? - Raising Zion
There are reasons why we fail during persecution. The word of God helps us understand why we fall during times of trouble.
Nehemiah Zion,
Should we look at a teacher’s lifestyle? Or only his/her doctrine?
By Elizabeth Prata A reader took issue with me recently, saying that me pointing out things related to a teacher’s lifestyle is hitting below the belt, is wrong, and now she has to wonder at …
Elizabeth Prata,
Five Things That Must be Done Right Now to Make the Church Healthy-
This is not about freedom in Christ or the right some post-modern Christians think they have to be uninhibited by any and all rules (1st Corinthians 6:20, 1st Corinthians 8:9, 2nd Timothy 2:5). Thi…
Lisa Price,
Five Things That Must be Done Right Now to Make the Church Healthy-
This is not about freedom in Christ or the right some post-modern Christians think they have to be uninhibited by any and all rules (1st Corinthians 6:20, 1st Corinthians 8:9, 2nd Timothy 2:5). Thi…
Lisa Price,
Kristna som sprider förtal, skvallrar och reser upp halmgubbar
Det är lätt hänt att inte ens kristna människor är medvetna om att de ibland behandlar andra människor på ett sätt som de själva inte vill bli behandlade, trots att de egentligen är väl medvetna om…
Annika Björk,
Kristna som förtalar Sverigedemokrater och visar okunnighet
Att kalla någon exempelvis rasist, nazist, fascist, främlingsfientlig och anklaga någon för att sprida “bruna krafter” är ju oerhört allvarliga anklagelser, så därför borde vi som kris…
Annika Björk,
5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How To Answer
​In my years of studying apologetics, several themes tend to pop up over and over again. This post will address the 5 questions I think every Christian needs to be aware of, and be able to answer. All of these questions require further commentary, and I plan to write a...
Alisa Childers,
Kristna som förtalar Sverigedemokrater och visar okunnighet
Att kalla någon exempelvis rasist, nazist, fascist, främlingsfientlig och anklaga någon för att sprida “bruna krafter” är ju oerhört allvarliga anklagelser, så därför borde vi som kris…
Annika Björk,
Grace Community Church Core Values - Ron Edmondson
The mission of Grace Community Church is short. GCC exists to encourage growing followers of Jesus Christ. We believe it’s easy to understand, but it’s obviou
Ron Edmondson,

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