Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Konsekvenser av svensk massinvandring och liknelsen med valet av Kung Saul
Det finns ett stycke i Bibeln som jag kommer att tänka på när jag lyssnar på en del sjuklövernröstare som kritiserar den politik de nu har fått. Visserligen så kan alliansen idag, oktober 2014, med…
Annika Björk,
Outmaneuvered by God - Emmanuel Baptist Church
In Sunday’s message, we talked about Israel’s demand for a king in 1 Samuel 8:5. In spite of their sinful motivation, God still granted their request. He knew they needed a king—just not for the reasons they thought they did. We saw how the book of Judges prepared us for this, by helping us recognize
Chris Hutchison,
Don’t Settle For Less Than God’s Best
Settling for less is fine when it comes to buying products. But we must never settle for less when it comes to our spiritual well-being.
Robin McKinley,
Four Ugly Truths Covid-19 Revealed in the Church World-
In a misguided effort to find a “leader” who will bring us the worldly status we crave, Christians have thrown themselves behind every twenty-year-old with a half-way decent idea or any smooth-talk…
Lisa Price,
Four Ugly Truths Covid-19 Revealed in the Church World-
In a misguided effort to find a “leader” who will bring us the worldly status we crave, Christians have thrown themselves behind every twenty-year-old with a half-way decent idea or any smooth-talk…
Lisa Price,
How To Overcome Sinful Desires Against God - Christian Perspectives
The Israelites did an evil thing in the eyes of the Lord. In 1Samuel, we can all learn how to overcome sinful desires against God.
Robin McKinley,
How the resurrection of God’s anointed changes everything (1 Corinthians 15:3–4)
“The resurrection changes everything.” That’s the message we hear as we celebrate Easter. What do we mean? Was this really the point in history when everything began to turn around, when God began …
Allen Browne,
Covenant or kingdom?
(Photo: Pexels) We’re God’s kingdom. That defines the relationship between heaven and earth. God is sovereign; we are his creatures in the earthly realm that is governed by heaven. Our relationship with God is that of king and kingdom. Or maybe covenant is the unifying theme? There’s no shortage of...
Allen Browne,

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