Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Happy Juneteenth!
The Land of the Free? The land of the free didn’t always freely offer liberty to everyone. In its earliest days, most black people arrived in America in chains. Regardless of who sold them, free…
Chrys Jones,
Vad är MODALISM, Oneness Pentecostal och Engudsläran?
Modalism, Oneness Pentecostal, Engudsläran, etc, är olika namn på i princip samma lära. Läs mer om dessa läror nedan. BAKGRUND Ordet “treenighet” finns inte i Bibeln, men det är lätt at…
Annika Björk,
Utlevd HOMOSEXUALITET är synd enligt BIBELN
Älskar vi våra medmänniskor så varnar vi dem, och utlevd homosexualitet ökar riskerna för sjukdomar, depression, en alltför tidig död och framför allt separation från Gud. Den här versen tycker ja…
Annika Björk,
Six Rules (Yes Rules) That Keep Christians From Going Totally Sideways In Life-
The simplest definition of legalism is the practice of adding manmade rules to straightforward biblical commands. For example: Christians are commanded to avoid sexual immorality (sex before marria…
Lisa Price,
Six Rules (Yes Rules) That Keep Christians From Going Totally Sideways In Life-
The simplest definition of legalism is the practice of adding manmade rules to straightforward biblical commands. For example: Christians are commanded to avoid sexual immorality (sex before marria…
Lisa Price,
Three Prayers with the Power to Change the World-
We live in an age of lies. Seriously. There are lies are being told about everything from sexuality and gender to what makes people happy to what exactly is safe and unsafe. Some lies are being tol…
Lisa Price,
Three Prayers with the Power to Change the World-
We live in an age of lies. Seriously. There are lies are being told about everything from sexuality and gender to what makes people happy to what exactly is safe and unsafe. Some lies are being tol…
Lisa Price,
We All Believe Something - Booty and Treasures fer All!
We should all thank Christ our Lord who has given us his strength and considered us faithful, appointing us to be writers, teachers, and preachers in his service. Too often we have been violent men and women, if not with fists, with our words. We have persecuted those who disagreed with us. Called them names, […]
Eddie Jones,

Group of Brands