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Speaking of hearts... - After the Altar Call
Hello World, Less than a week ago, Troy Davis was put to death, and I know that many hearts are broken…As a Christian who believes in the omnipotence of God, I wonder why God allowed this man, who proclaimed his innocence until his last breath, such a fate…Maybe someday, we will all know why…And maybe, we […]
Jacqueline J. Holness,
Mundane Monday: The Purpose of the Law - Denise Pass
1 Timothy 1:5-8 5 “But the aim of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. 6 Some have strayed from these and turned away to empty discussion. 7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not understand what they are saying […]
Denise Pass,
The Beauty of a Letter
A dying art, the handwritten letter is slowly but surely being replaced by emails and texts. I confess, I just am as guilty of letting this age-old practice diminish in my own life; and yet, readi…
Vickie Munton,
Tony Reinke on Irony, Sarcasm, Snark, and the Simpsons - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Sarcasm is still in the groundwater of our entertainment, in every drink, and we can no longer smell its pungent stench.
Randy Alcorn,
The Right Things for the Right Reasons - Emmanuel Baptist Church
In Sunday’s sermon, we looked a little deeper at Timothy’s situation in Ephesus, and specifically at the Ephesian false teachers he had been tasked with shutting down. We discovered the surprising fact that these guys weren’t necessarily heretics. At least some of them were most likely brothers in Christ whose doctrinal foundation may have been
Chris Hutchison,
SAMVETET och den helige Andes ledning
Ordet “samvete” i Nya Testamentet kommer från det grekiska ordet suneidésis (Strong’s 4893)Paulus fullkomligt rena samvetePaulus sade om sig själv och Silvanus och Timoteus:1 Thes…
Annika Björk,
Why Is It Necessary To Have A Pure Heart? - Raising Zion
It is necessary to have a pure heart. God does not operate where filthiness and worldliness is given free flow, despite knowing God.
Nehemiah Zion,
Your Conscience: Are you Neglecting It? - Charles Stone
Understanding how our conscience works is essential for life and leadership. In this post I unpack insight about the human conscience.
Charles Stone,
Are usurping authority and teaching, two different activities or are they the same?
By Elizabeth Prata A women sent in a question recently and it was a good one. I’ll share it and my answer here. She is a writer concerned that men if read her material she would be in sin. Sh…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Golden Rule About Treating Others As You Want To Be Treated
There are many laws available for humans but the golden rule is unique. The Bible says to treat others as you want to be treated.
Anthony Eshun,

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