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How Does God Prompt Us to Pray? - Growing Through God's Word
Mr. Meller came to our church only occasionally, and I didn’t know him well. However, I did know that his first wife and children had been killed in a plane crash
Janis Cox,
Don’t expect our politicians to be gods
What makes The Avengers so popular? We love stories of superhuman figures defeating oppressors and restoring justice to the earth. Stories of mythology have always fascinated us. In Germanic mythol…
Allen Browne,
Praying for Your Spouse
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Earlier in Genesis, Adam referred to Eve as, “bone of my bone and …
Anneta Pinto,
Don’t We Have More Important Things to Talk About? - Emmanuel Baptist Church
On Sunday, we opened up a discussion about gender which we’ll continue for at least another couple of weeks. Specifically, we talked about Biblical gender roles, and the unique ways that God has designed men and women. In recent years I’ve encountered resistance from other Christian leaders about this teaching. “The church in Canada does
Chris Hutchison,
Praying for Your Spouse
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Earlier in Genesis, Adam referred to Eve as, “bone of my bone and …
Anneta Pinto,
What does the Bible say about praying?
Praying is a heartfelt conversation with God that brings peace, guidance, and a deep connection. Image: Gianna Bonello | UnsplashHave you ever experienced the joy and comfort that comes from praying? Have you ever felt the weight of your worries and burdens lifted as you poured your heart into a...
Kathleen Orenza,
What Pastor Saeed's Release Taught Me About Prayer & Interview Link
Hi friends, Today’s blog post will be a little different from my usual weekly installment. I guess you could say this is a specia…
Karen Del Tatto,
Godliness and Contentment: Platt, Meyer, and Navigating Chuch Divisions
Arguments over critical race theory have plunged David Platt’s McLean Bible Church into controversy. On June 30, the church voted on three new elder candidates. They had been vetted and presented to the congregation by the elders and according to church bylaws, they needed 75% approval to be confirmed. The church did not release the final tally, but the vote came up short. Platt believes the vote was sabotaged by non-members and outside activists. His opponents have filed a lawsuit saying the…
Cole Feix,
What is an Intercessor? - Intercession For A Generation Blog
An intercessor is a watchman who stands in between God and man praying on behalf of what he sees, and what God lays on his heart. Jesus Christ was the number on
Russelyn Williams,
An Ephesians 5 Husband - Part 1
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing …
Russ Sharrock,

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