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Praying God's Word Wednesday #43: Prayer for Women - Lauren Sparks
If these are the characteristics God wants in a woman serving His church, I want them for you. So here’s my prayer for women .
Lauren Sparks,
Act your age
Our church has a healthy demographic of college kids and young marrieds. Some time ago I was watching an Instagram video story a young friend posted of a bunch of the youths in high spirits romping…
Elizabeth Prata,
Act your age
Our church has a healthy demographic of college kids and young marrieds. Some time ago I was watching an Instagram video story a young friend posted of a bunch of the youths in high spirits romping…
Elizabeth Prata,
Kristna som sprider förtal, skvallrar och reser upp halmgubbar
Det är lätt hänt att inte ens kristna människor är medvetna om att de ibland behandlar andra människor på ett sätt som de själva inte vill bli behandlade, trots att de egentligen är väl medvetna om…
Annika Björk,
Kristna som förtalar Sverigedemokrater och visar okunnighet
Att kalla någon exempelvis rasist, nazist, fascist, främlingsfientlig och anklaga någon för att sprida “bruna krafter” är ju oerhört allvarliga anklagelser, så därför borde vi som kris…
Annika Björk,
Seven Behaviors that Kill Marriages –
“I forgive you” is more than just a syrupy sentiment or some empty words we utter to get the positive feels back in the relationship. Forgiveness is the choice to completely let go of hostility, re…
Lisa Price,
Seven Behaviors that Kill Marriages –
“I forgive you” is more than just a syrupy sentiment or some empty words we utter to get the positive feels back in the relationship. Forgiveness is the choice to completely let go of hostility, re…
Lisa Price,
How the Birth of Jesus Changed the World-
Prior to the first coming of Jesus people could change their actions but not their hearts. An evil or an unbelieving person was just kind of stuck that way forever. Jesus’ coming changed that reali…
Lisa Price,
Kristna som förtalar Sverigedemokrater och visar okunnighet
Att kalla någon exempelvis rasist, nazist, fascist, främlingsfientlig och anklaga någon för att sprida “bruna krafter” är ju oerhört allvarliga anklagelser, så därför borde vi som kris…
Annika Björk,
How the Birth of Jesus Changed the World-
Prior to the first coming of Jesus people could change their actions but not their hearts. An evil or an unbelieving person was just kind of stuck that way forever. Jesus’ coming changed that reali…
Lisa Price,

Group of Brands