Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Religious Cheaters Being Incapable of Repentance? - Divorce Minister
These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. -I Timothy 4:2, NLT Too many Christian leaders assume cheaters have functioning consciences. But what if religious cheaters are like the false teachers the Apostle Paul excoriates here in I Timothy 4:2? You cannot awaken something that is dead. Personally, I lean towards believing … Continue reading “Religious Cheaters Being Incapable of Repentance?”
David Derksen,
Learning to Love the Rain - Damon J. Gray
I write fairly often about Mr. Bear, my cat. More accurately, he is my wife’s cat, but he’s such a cool cat that I claim him. He teaches me a lot, so much so that I’m contemplating writing a book titled, “Lessons I Learned From My Cat,” or something along that line. Mr. Bear was…
Damon J. Gray,
Cheaters and liars in dangerous waters - Divorce Minister
Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. -I Timothy 4:2, NIV What happens when we walk into a body of cold water? It usually feels really cold initially. However, as we wait and stay in the water, our legs become numb to the temperatures. It … Continue reading “Cheaters and liars in dangerous waters”
David Derksen,
The Self-Deceived Cheater - Divorce Minister
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…. -I Timothy 4:2, KJV I am convinced the “best” liars are self-deceived cheaters. They believe what they are telling others. This might be the verbal diarrhea of “justifying” why they had to cheat or were entitled to cheat on their spouse. The saddest … Continue reading “The Self-Deceived Cheater”
David Derksen,
4 Keys To Effective Preaching — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
Will the rise of the self-proclaimed TikTok preachers out there, we need men and women committed to preaching God’s word with clarity, authority, and accuracy. FREE Step by Step Message Writing Checklist In this video, I begin by sharing a couple concerns I have about the current culture of you
Samuel Deuth,
4 Keys To Effective Preaching — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
Will the rise of the self-proclaimed TikTok preachers out there, we need men and women committed to preaching God’s word with clarity, authority, and accuracy. FREE Step by Step Message Writing Checklist In this video, I begin by sharing a couple concerns I have about the current culture of you
Samuel Deuth,
How To NOT Get Numbed Into Submission? - Raising Zion
Have you been numbed into submission? Do you feel like your faith in Christ doesn’t matter? Reach out to God sincerely, He will revive you.
Nehemiah Zion,
Sin: How do I avoid sin?
FLESHY OR STONY HEART? Memorise: “Speaking lies in hypocrisy; have their conscience seared with a hot iron;” (1 Timothy 4:2) Read: 1 Timothy 4:1-3 When David and his men caught king S…
Babatope Babalobi,
A Standard for Truth
How do we know what’s right or wrong? I posed that question to a group of college students. ME: Why is killing wrong? CLASS: The Bible says it is. ME: For the sake of argument, I am an atheis…
Lynn H. Pryor,
The Holy Spirit is Not Your Conscience
God gave you a conscience, so listen to it—but don’t rely solely on it. Bring your conscience under the authority of God’s Word. Ask God to keep you sensitive to His Spirit’s leadership.
Lynn H. Pryor,

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