Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
5 Things I Wish Pokemon Go Would Do For Families — I.N.F.O. For Families
Let's come together as parents to ask Nintendo to do something really useful with their next version of Poke'mon Go.
Barrett Johnson,
9 Insightful Ways To Help You Know How To Be A Better Person In Life
God made us in a special way with knowledge and all the abilities to grow each day. But few people know how to be a better person. Never miss some of these
Anthony Eshun,
How to Balance Pursuing Health and Body Image Issues
Today the “Questions About Your Body Image and Comparison” series continues with this question about how to balance pursuing health and body image: Dear Heather: I’m a fairly healthy mother and wife who has struggled with my body image for at least twenty years. I know that there’s nothing sinful about being healthy and working …
Heather Creekmore,
5 Things I Wish Pokemon Go Would Do For Families — I.N.F.O. For Families
Let's come together as parents to ask Nintendo to do something really useful with their next version of Poke'mon Go.
Barrett Johnson,
Beyonce, Pink Eye, and True Beauty
Yesterday was a hard day. I woke up battling a nasty case of pink eye. If you’ve never had pink eye, I don’t recommend it. Not only does the inside of your eye get all red and nasty – but the outside of your eye, your lids and underneath your eye, gets really swollen. It …
Heather Creekmore,
Building Spiritual Muscle — iWork4Him
I like to think of loving the Lord with all your strength as loving the Lord with all the things that make you strong or stable in life: your accomplishments, your influence, your paycheck, your talents, your time, etc.—in other words, using these things for God’s glory. However, if you are like me,
Jim Brangenberg,
Single Christian's Sexual Fears - Intercession For A Generation Blog
Some Christian’s sexual fears are no doubt challenging. These fears and anxieties have to be carefully navigated if one wants to be…
Russelyn Williams,
Prayer Help: Take a PRAYER WALK - Enjoying the Journey
Prayer is a discipline and yet there is a danger in it becoming simply a dutiful routine. How quickly the […]
Scott Pauley,
Building Spiritual Muscles...and Grace and Truth Link Up - Lauren Sparks
During this time of self-isolation, my spiritual disciplines have been torn down. My Bible study and prayer time needed an overhaul, and this extra time at home helps me dig deeper and linger longer.
Lauren Sparks,
Getting Your Best Return on Investment in 2023
It’s that time of year again when we start making plans for improvement for a new year. In addition to the health-related goals people set at the beginning of a new year—lose weight, eat better, exercise—a lot of us also set financial goals: get out of debt, save money, give more. I’m no financial genius (the only smart financial move I’ve ever made was to marry an accountant), but I do want to talk about your ROI for 2023.
Lynn H. Pryor,

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