Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The story of Ruth: Embracing loyalty and empathy in a changing world
A picture of a woman with a head covering. (Photo from Wallpapercave)In a bustling city, an elderly widowed woman found herself isolated in her home due to the unrelenting careers of her children. Their demanding jobs made it inconvenient to address their parent’s deteriorating health, leading to infrequent visits and...
Joseph Antonio Liao,
Främlingen som BOR ibland er skall räknas som infödd hos er? 3 Mos. 19:34
3 Mos. 19:33 När en FRÄMLING bor hos er i ert land, skall ni INTE FÖRTRYCKA HONOM. 34 Främlingen som BOR ibland er skall räknas som infödd hos er. Du skall ÄLSKA HONOM som dig själv. Ni har ju själ…
Annika Björk,
Family Is Not Nothing - Emmanuel Baptist Church
On Sunday, we heard Jesus challenge the idea that “family is everything.” Instead, Jesus told us that He must be everything, and have a higher place in our loyalty and devotion than any other family relationship. Having let that truth sink in, it’s important for us to clarify a further point. While it’s true that
Chris Hutchison,
Parents and Prayers on Turning Mountains into Molehills Today
Turning Mountains into Molehills’ blog explores the ways God uses the ordinary events of life to teach us. We look at our Parents and Prayers
Yvonne M. Morgan,
Jesus också flykting? Bibeln lär att vi ska ta hand om våra närmaste i första hand.
“Men om någon inte tar hand om SINA NÄRMASTE, SÄRSKILT då sin egen familj, så har han förnekat tron och ÄR VÄRRE ÄN DEN SOM INTE TROR” (1 Tim. 5:8) Att ge bort så stora portioner av sin…
Annika Björk,
Bibelverser om tiggeri, och att hjälpa FATTIGA och FRÄMLINGAR
Israel levde visserligen i en teokrati och under andra lagar än idag, men visst kan vi dra vissa lärdomar av deras liv i Kanaans land – som är återberättat i det Gamla Testamentet. Exempel: G…
Annika Björk,
6 Characteristics of a Husband as Spiritual Leader & How You Can Help Him Lead
Your Husband as Spiritual Leader of Your Home What does it mean for a your husband as spiritual leader of the family or home? The Bible is rich with instruction on this, but, often, men don’t step into their role or simply just don’t know how. As a wife, what can you do to help
Sue Nelson,
Easy to Please: 7 Ways You Can Please God Today
Some people are hard to please. God is not. He has shown us what is good. He is easy to please. Here are seven ways you can please him today.
Abigail Wallace,
"Grieve is a Love Word" - Joyfully Pressing On
We only grieve the people we love. Those who don’t care about us, don’t grieve over us. Because grieve is a love word. And so we make it our goal…
Abigail Wallace,
60 Family togetherness quotes to cherish with your loved ones
Have you ever noticed how families sometimes stick together like peanut butter and jelly? Well, that is what family togetherness is all about!Family togetherness is when all of these great people get together and form a close-knit group that supports and cares for each other.Everyone is on the same team...
Kathleen Orenza,

Group of Brands