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Why it’s no Longer Okay to Tell the Truth About Anything-
The real irony in all this madness is that our collective obsession with words has failed to make us better people. Our society is no kinder and no gentler than it was thirty years ago. Our speech …
Lisa Price,
Why it’s no Longer Okay to Tell the Truth About Anything-
The real irony in all this madness is that our collective obsession with words has failed to make us better people. Our society is no kinder and no gentler than it was thirty years ago. Our speech …
Lisa Price,
Godliness and Contentment: Platt, Meyer, and Navigating Chuch Divisions
Arguments over critical race theory have plunged David Platt’s McLean Bible Church into controversy. On June 30, the church voted on three new elder candidates. They had been vetted and presented to the congregation by the elders and according to church bylaws, they needed 75% approval to be confirmed. The church did not release the final tally, but the vote came up short. Platt believes the vote was sabotaged by non-members and outside activists. His opponents have filed a lawsuit saying the…
Cole Feix,

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