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A Whole Other Level of Confidence & Faith in God: - Intercession For A Generation Blog
I’ve been meditating all week on embracing my weakness for acquaintance with God’s power and a whole other level of faith. According to the below scripture,
Russelyn Williams,
Discernment Demands Humility
This series was first published during June 2018. –ed. If we have no desire to be discerning, we won’t be discerning.Proverbs 2:3-6says, If you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the Lord
John MacArthur,
A Recipe for Discernment
We cannot simply flow with the current of our age. We cannot elevate love while downplaying truth. We cannot promote unity by repressing sound doctrine. We cannot learn to be discerning by making an idol out of tolerance. By adopting those attitudes, the church has opened her gates to all of Satan’s Trojan horses. God
John MacArthur,
A Recipe for Discernment
Thispost was first published during May 2014. –ed. We cannot simply flow with the current of our age. We cannot elevate love while downplaying truth. We cannot promote unity by repressing sound doctrine. We cannot learn to be discerning by making an idol out of tolerance. By adopting those attitudes, the church has opened her
John MacArthur,

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