Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Messengers of Reconciliation
This post was originally published in May 2018.–ed. Our primary ministry as Christians is the natural extension of God’s ministry to us. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not
John MacArthur,
Reconciled by the Will of God
This post was originally published in May 2018.–ed. Reconciliation is difficult with people and impossible with God. We can build bridges to those previously offended and patch the wounds of those we’ve hurt. But God is perfectly righteous and perfectly just. We are powerless to repair the damage done by our crimes against Him. Put
John MacArthur,
Wisdom in the Secret Heart
The wisdom that God offers goes far beyond the ability to make the “right” choice between two good options.
Revive Our Hearts,
The Unchanging Gospel
This series was first published in February of 2017. -ed. There is only one gospel. That theme reverberates throughout the writings of the apostle Paul—literature that makes up almost half of the entire New Testament. While he emphasizes different aspects of the gospel in various passages [The Gospel According to Paul examines several other prominent
John MacArthur,
The Sovereign Savior
Salvation is a creative work of God, not a do-it-yourself project for sinners. Second Corinthians 5:17is an oft-quoted verse that illustrates this: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” The point of that statement should be clear: Salvation is accomplished solely and
John MacArthur,
The Work of Christ
Today’s evangelicals often speak about the gospel as if it were a means of discovering one’s own purpose, a message about how to have a happy and prosperous life, or a method of achieving success in one’s relationships or business. In the minds of many, the best starting point for sharing the gospel is an
John MacArthur,
Study the Bible Before You Need It
Each lesson has: questions based on the Bible and space for writing in answers commentary giving insights into the text practical application and instruction “Letter from God.” Many of the stories about biblical characters are focused on women, making it a unique study. Here are the topics of the 10 lessons: Lesson 1—Courage Representing God Lesson 2—Courageous in Serving Lesson 3—Courageously Overcoming Discouragement Lesson 4—Courageous Within My Family Lesson 5—Courageous in My Church Lesson 6—Courageously Standing Against Popular Opinion Lesson 7—Courageously Standing Against Evil Lesson 8—Courageously Standing for God at Work Lesson 9—Courageously Facing Temptation Lesson 10—Courageous Jesus, Our Inspiration Here’s Lesson 1 of “Heart of Courage.” I hope it encourages you. Verse 15 tells us, “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.” The Greek word for progress, prokopē, is the idea of “cut forward” or “advance.” God is encouraging us to continue growing a little at a time.
Kathy Collard Miller,
Book Drawing for MY New Book: “Heart of Courage”
I’m excited to announce and offer a book drawing for my new book, “Heart of Courage: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series”
Kathy Collard Miller,
An Unexpected Aspect of My Cancer Journey (AND win my latest book–just released!)
My newest book (my 59th!) was just released two days ago. It’s a women’s Bible study on courage: “Heart of Courage: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series”
Kathy Collard Miller,

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