Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
The Ancient Canaanite Palace at Hazor
Hazor, an important Canaanite city in Galilee, was conquered and destroyed by Joshua during the settlement of Israel in Canaan in the thirteenth century B.C.: “Joshua turned back at that time, and …
Claude F. Mariottini,
The Tribe of Naphtali: Blessings, Territory, Invasions and Symbols
As we continue our series on the Twelve Tribes of Israel, we move to the Tribe of Naphtali. Naphtali is one of the twelve sons of Jacob. When Naphtali was born, Rachel declared “I have had a great struggle with my sister, and I have won.” – Genesis 30:8 So she named him Naphtali.” Naphtali
Sue Nelson,
Light in dark places (Matthew 4:12-17)
Open Matthew 4:12-17. They met in the wilderness: the person God appointed to rule, and the enemy who claimed to rule all the kingdoms of the world. They reached no compromise deal. Now it’s war. John the Baptist is the first prisoner in this conflict (4:12). Makes sense: he’s been...
Allen Browne,
The Book of the Prophet Micah – Part 1
Early in my seminary education, I developed an interest in studying the prophet Micah. One of my professors told me that my interest in Micah came because of my background as a pastor working with …
Claude F. Mariottini,
Translating the Bible: The Use of Gender Inclusive Language
One difficult issue in Bible translation today is the use of gender inclusive language. The debate is focused on whether the use of inclusive language changes the meaning of the text and misreprese…
Claude F. Mariottini,
Caesarea Philippi and the Golan Heights
This was where Jesus asked his disciples about his identity.
Allen Browne,
“Unto Us A Child Is Born”: Isaiah 9:1-7
This study of Isaiah 9:1-7 is a continuation of a series of studies on preaching from the Old Testament. These studies are derived from a series of Advent sermons preached at Trinity Baptist Church…
Claude F. Mariottini,
From Text to Sermon: Isaiah 9:1-7
This study of Isaiah 9:1-7 is a continuation of a series of studies on preaching from the Old Testament. These studies are derived from a series of Advent sermons preached at Trinity Baptist Church…
Claude F. Mariottini,
Israel in Babylon (Isaiah 52:4)
A few days ago, a reader asked me to explain Isaiah 52:4 in relation to Exodus 1:8. The issue in question is the oppression of Israel by both Egypt and Assyria. The reader writes that after reading…
Claude F. Mariottini,

Group of Brands