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Where Do Methodist Stand On Climate Change? - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Others interpret the word “day” to represent and event, like saying, “One day I made up my mind to …” Regardless, during this process the earth’s climate was undergoing dramatic changes – and it has yet to stop. Many people died from the waters that had become bitter.” Revelation 8: 8-10 Scientists warn of rising sea levels, but if the event mentioned above occurs, the melting of arctic ice at the Poles will be nothing compared to the sea-coast flooding we will experience when large tsunamis hit the coastlines of populated continents. It is also our responsibility to let others know that Christ can change each person at a soul level if they will only ask him to do so.
Eddie Jones,
Did God Really Say Climate Change Is Real? - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Did God really say climate change is real? Yes … yes he did. And at some point in the future climate change will get much worse. Climate reacts to forces in the atmosphere and on earth. Some scientists argue humans are now the dominant force. But are they? Had we lived during the days of […]
Eddie Jones,

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