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Glorification, Resurrection
New Jerusalem is a city “having the glory of God” (Rev. 21:11). The city has no need of natural light nor man-made light for “the glory of God illumined it” (21:23). In Luke 24:26 the Lord Jesus a…
Don Martin,
Our Hope and the Coming Glory (4)
Christ in us is our hope today and our glory to come, and He is the glory of New Jerusalem. According to Titus 2:13 we are “awaiting the blessed hope, even the appearing of the glory of our g…
Don Martin,
Redemption unto the Glory of New Jerusalem
Many Christians are familiar with the redemption accomplished by Christ Jesus on the cross. Through this redemption we receive forgiveness of sins (Eph. 1:7) and are justified (Rom. 3:24). Thank Hi…
Don Martin,
Christ Will Come in Glory to Be Glorified in Us
God created man so that He could be become life to man to be expressed through man. Through the death of Christ man has been redeemed from sin and death. Now we can believe into Jesus Christ and re…
Don Martin,
Christ Will Come in Glory to Be Glorified in Us
God created man so that He could be become life to man to be expressed through man. Through the death of Christ man has been redeemed from sin and death. Now we can believe into Jesus Christ and re…
Don Martin,
The Garden of Eden and New Jerusalem      in Song (8.2)
We looked at eight verses of a song which couples the garden of Eden with New Jerusalem. Eve in the garden as the wife of Adam is a picture of New Jerusalem as the wife of the Lamb, Jesus Christ (R…
Don Martin,
Christ is our Hope of Glory
For His people, Colossians 1:27 tells us “God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” The u…
Don Martin,
Jesus Christ Glorified in the Sons of God
Romans 8:19 says “the anxious watching of the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God.” This revelation will come when the Lord Jesus returns from heaven visibly and t…
Don Martin,
Jesus Christ Glorified in the Sons of God
Romans 8:19 says “the anxious watching of the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God.” This revelation will come when the Lord Jesus returns from heaven visibly and t…
Don Martin,
Man was Created in God’s Image to Express God
Genesis 1:26: “God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” Man was created to be able to receive God as His life and, by living that life, to express God in man&…
Don Martin,

Group of Brands