Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Why It's Time to Get Uncomfortable – Carry on My Heart
It’s time to get uncomfortable. We all deal with uncomfortable situations in our lives but what God does with them is where real change occurs.
Susan Mcilmoil,
Tim Tebow, Jason Hanson, and Kurt Warner: Faith and Football - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
Eternal Perspective Ministries is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered nonprofit organization founded by author Randy Alcorn.
Randy Alcorn,
The Privileged Life: Running the Race—Like an Olympian
“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” 1 Corinthians 9:24 The Oly…
Nancy C. Williams,
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: Discipline, Endurance, and the Christian Life - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries
What do the solder, athlete, and farmer all have in common? They work hard. They discipline themselves.
Randy Alcorn,
Bibelverser om idrott och motion
Varannat år så utfördes Isthmiska spelen i Korint, vilket var det näst största idrottsevenemanget vid antiken och bestod av tre grenar – gymniskt (gymnastik, kapplöpning, brottning och knytnä…
Annika Björk,
Exhausting Grace: An Eye for An Eye
Eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek...
Russelyn Williams,
Full Court Press: Why You Need Others to Pray for You
This Summer, I have found myself in the most fierce spiritual attack I have ever experienced in ministry. The pressure has been intense. I believe the greatest cause of this spiritual warfare is be…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
10 Bible Verses to Encourage Your Student Athlete
Are you a volleyball, football or golf mom? You might be a cheerleader or cross-country runner mom. No matter what sport(s) our student-athletes participate in, they all need little doses of encouragement along the way.
Melanie Redd,
Need some ways to keep that student/athlete going to the end of the season? Here are 10 Bible Verses to Encourage Your Student-Athlete.
Melanie Redd,
10 Bible Verses to Encourage Your Student Athlete
Are you a volleyball, football or golf mom? You might be a cheerleader or cross-country runner mom. No matter what sport(s) our student-athletes participate in, they all need little doses of encouragement along the way.
Melanie Redd,

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