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"Christians" Became Tha Name Fer Them Who Follow Tha Son (Acts 11:19-28) - Booty and Treasures fer All!
The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. – Acts 11:26 (Acts 11:19-28) Them who whar connected with Stephen traveled far away after he be stoned ter death. In distant lands they recounted tha message of tha Son, though most only shared this news with Jews. Some, however, began ter speak with Greeks, telling ’em […]
Eddie Jones,
What is Christianity ?
I believe that only the Bible has the answers to those questions. Acts 11:26 tells us, “The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” The word “Christian” means “a follower…
Kelleigh Wooderson-Hudson,
Friday’s Featured Sermon: “The Freedom of True Discipleship”
This post was first published in September 2017. -ed. The only thing postmodernists are certain about is that nobody can be certain about anything. That idea isn’t only a logical fallacy. It’s also antithetical to the teaching of Jesus Christ. He promised that His true disciples “willknowthe truth, and the truth will make [them] free”
John MacArthur,
5th Sunday of Easter: The Church of “The Way”
This Sunday is fifth Sunday of Easter which coincides with the special celebration of Mother’s Day. Since its Mother’s day, let me begin by talking about my mother. My mother died 15 years ago. I r…
Joseph Echano,
Can We Return “Christian” to What It Means?
Names often have a way of losing their original meaning. Motorola. This week (September 25) marks the anniversary of this company that we all associate with cell phones. But when the Gavin Brothers…
Lynn H. Pryor,
Are Christians Getting Comfortable? - Raising Zion
When did the New Testament church start? We know the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch, mentioned in Acts 11:26. The New Testament ministry started on the day of Pentecost. When all were gathered together with one accord. Every one of the 120 believers present received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:4 […]
Nehemiah Zion,
Why Go to Church?
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit…
Russ Sharrock,
Are You a Christian…Or a Disciple?
How to live an authentic Christian Life I recently heard a sermon about the difference between identifying as a Christian and being a Disciple. It was one of those sermons that just sets a fi…
Summer Marrero,
GUEST POST: Being the Right Choice - Enjoying the Journey
Evangelist Bob Sanders is a true servant of the Lord. He has a heart for the Lord’s work and continues […]
Scott Pauley,

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