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Ne're Toy With Vile Spirits (Acts 16:16-18) - Booty and Treasures fer All!
“In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her. Acts 16:18 (Acts 16:16-18) Not long after tha Four ran in ter Lydia, they met ah slave girl who had ah spirit by which she predicted tha future. Such folks often spake words with […]
Eddie Jones,
Satan’s relentlessness
By Elizabeth Prata I’d mentioned the famous quote from John Calvin as I concluded a recent series on idols and idolatry, that our hearts are idol factories. Our own flesh betrays us constantl…
Elizabeth Prata,
Why I am grateful for THAT troll
By Elizabeth Prata By John Bauer – Illustration of Walter Stenström’s The boy and the trolls or The Adventure in childrens’ anthology Among pixies and trolls, a collection of chil…
Elizabeth Prata,
Satan’s relentlessness
By Elizabeth Prata I’d mentioned the famous quote from John Calvin as I concluded a recent series on idols and idolatry, that our hearts are idol factories. Our own flesh betrays us constantl…
Elizabeth Prata,
The Power of Praise and Worship
Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (I Thessalonians 5:18) Paul and Silas Free A Salve Girl The Apostles Paul and Silas were going to a place o…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
“God can use it…” Yes He can. But *will* He?
By Elizabeth Prata “I don’t agree with everything [insert false teacher’s name here] but there are some good things he/she says. God can use it.” No. EPrata photo, not EPrat…
Elizabeth Prata,
Tarots, horoscopes, and palm readings: What does the Bible say about divination
In today's world, tarots, horoscopes, and palm readings have gained immense popularity.People pay for these services to unveil their fortunes. Meanwhile, social media is abuzz with tarot readers openly practicing and sharing their insights. Undoubtedly, such practices fall under the category of divinationWhile it is widely practiced, a debate persists...
The Power of Praise and Worship
Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (I Thessalonians 5:18) Paul and Silas Free A Salve Girl The Apostles Paul and Silas were going to a place o…
Kenneth Chad Roberts,
Get our allegiances right!
By Elizabeth Prata People advocate for the false teacher and denounce the person that is calling the false teacher to task. I see this more and more often. What sparked this observation is another …
Elizabeth Prata,
Did God Really Say There Is Whispering Gallery Where We Can Hear His Voice? - Booty and Treasures fer All!
Did God really say there is whispering gallery where we can hear his voice? Yes … yes he did. A whispering gallery is usually a circular enclosure, often beneath a dome or a vault, in which whispers can be heard clearly in other parts of the gallery. Such galleries can also be set up using […]
Eddie Jones,

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