Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Being required to fill in an internet application in a way that the system prevents
I experienced something the other day which reminded me of Calvinism . My daughter and I had to fill in an application on British Airways’ website for her trip to the USA, and it was very imp…
Annika Björk,
In the Past Our God Overlooked Our Ignorant Actions and Didn't Hold Our Sins Against Us (Acts 17:16-34) - Booty and Treasures fer All!
In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 (Acts 17:16-34) When Saul Paul arrived in Athens, his soul be greatly distressed by tha idols scattered throughout tha port. Fer some days he sought ter reason with God-fearing Greeks and folks in tha marketplace. Day after […]
Eddie Jones,
Is Being Nice Enough?
Being nice or “showing love” to sinners is ballyhooed as the latest and greatest in “being like Jesus” and “loving the unsaved”. But again, I wonder is it enough? And is it really “being like Jesus…
Lisa Price,
Prophecy 2024: Major Prophecies are Closing Fast 
Since 2008 our website has offered a compendium of prophetic events that will affect our future and change the shape of our world. This year the waves of change are tumultuous and the near future promises to get even more distressing.How much time is left – can we say?There is...
Michael Bresciani,
Is Being Nice Enough?
Being nice or “showing love” to sinners is ballyhooed as the latest and greatest in “being like Jesus” and “loving the unsaved”. But again, I wonder is it enough? And is it really “being like Jesus…
Lisa Price,
7 Things To Hold Fast - Raising Zion
When someone thinks of quitting, friends say ‘Hold On bro’. For a child of God there is a ‘holding on’ too. What should he/she hold on to? To that which is good. ‘Prove all things; Hold fast that which is good’ [1 Thessalonians 5:21] Deception is on the rise. Sin is increasing. So many deaths […]
Nehemiah Zion,
God’s couriers
Our previous post stirred up some discussion when I suggested that it is God who issues the gospel call, so we don’t need to devise mechanisms to get people to respond. Let’s clarify.
Allen Browne,
Bar-Jesus tha Sorcerer (Acts 13:6-12) - Booty and Treasures fer All!
“You are a child of the devil.” Acts 13:10 (Acts 13:6-12) When tha Apostle Paul showed up on tha island of Seleucia, he met a sorcerer named Bar-Jesus, which means “Son of Salvation.” This feller whar an attendant ter tha proconsul, Sergius Paulus. Sergius whar an intelligent man and ’cause he wanted to hear tha […]
Eddie Jones,
Why Confess?
Confession can be difficult to wrap your mind around. In many people’s minds, it still carries a stigma from the Catholic church. Isn’t confession something you have to do with a priest? If you are Catholic, or used to be Catholic, confession has to do with mediation. You go confess your sins to the priest so that he can mediate before God, give you advice, or reprimand you for what you’ve done. If you’re not Catholic, chances are you don’t put a big priority on confession. For others, confes…
Cole Feix,
Victory in Jesus
We had been renting a log house in the village of Nenana, Alaska for several years. It was the perfect size for not only our home, b…
Russ Sharrock,

Group of Brands