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Cheater-Forgiveness-Pushers, Was Paul Wrong? - Divorce Minister
“In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.” -Acts 17:30-31, NIV God does … Continue reading “Cheater-Forgiveness-Pushers, Was Paul Wrong?”
David Derksen,
The Root of Idolatry
Idolatry is the product of rebellion, not confusion. While hearts and minds darkened by sin can’t find God on their own apart from His Word, the apostle Paul makes it clear that the root of idolatry is man’s rejection of creation’s testimony to its Creator. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against
John MacArthur,
Who Are We? Christian or American Pt 2
In the last post (“Christian or American,” 1/12/20), we asked some hard questions about the church and believers. We suggested that many parts of the American church are losing their biblical ident…
Michael Floyd,
Who Are We? Christian or American Pt 2
In the last post (“Christian or American,” 1/12/20), we asked some hard questions about the church and believers. We suggested that many parts of the American church are losing their biblical ident…
Michael Floyd,
Time to Wake Up
For as long as I can recall, I have loved New Years resolutions. I made my first one when I was eight years old. I scribbled it out in crayon and resolved to sweet-talk my parents into getting me a…
Lisa Price,
Time to Wake Up
For as long as I can recall, I have loved New Years resolutions. I made my first one when I was eight years old. I scribbled it out in crayon and resolved to sweet-talk my parents into getting me a…
Lisa Price,
On Whose Door Is Christ Knocking?
In the lead-up to the Truth Matters conference in October, we will be focusing our attention on the sufficiency, authority, and clarity of Scripture. Of our previous blog series, none better embodies that emphasis thanFrequently Abused Verses.The followingentry fromthat series originally appeared on October 5, 2015. -ed. Is it really “abuse” if a verse is
John MacArthur,
Accept My Limits
The first time you read Ecclesiastes, it seems very cynical. Its topics include death and the futility of human efforts. That’s not exactly an uplifting read. But if you read it a few more times, you may notice that Ecclesiastes shares the wisdom of acceptance. The book is a search for meaning, but before the author can find meaning, he has to rule out some options that might lure us away from life’s purpose. The wispy distractions are called “vanity” throughout the book. Each example of vanity
Cole Feix,
How Exactly does a Christian Becomes the Worst, Messiest, most Messed-up Version of Themselves?
No one is exempt from becoming the worst version of themselves (1st Corinthians 10:12). It happens all the time. It happens to famous mega-church pastors like Mark Driscoll, Carl Lentz and Ted Hagg…
Lisa Price,
How Exactly does a Christian Becomes the Worst, Messiest, most Messed-up Version of Themselves?
No one is exempt from becoming the worst version of themselves (1st Corinthians 10:12). It happens all the time. It happens to famous mega-church pastors like Mark Driscoll, Carl Lentz and Ted Hagg…
Lisa Price,

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