Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
When Death and Defeat are Swallowed up by Victory
Death and defeat cannot swallow you whole because your Savior has delivered you. Come grabe a copy of 10 Scriptural promises to remind you God wins.
Lyli Dunbar,
He’s Bigger Than Your “God-Shaped Hole”
Jesus is not the perfect boyfriend; He is the preeminent Bridegroom.
Revive Our Hearts,
He’s Bigger Than Your “God-Shaped Hole”
Jesus is not the perfect boyfriend; He is the preeminent Bridegroom.
Jason Davis,
When Death and Defeat are Swallowed up by Victory
Death and defeat cannot swallow you whole because your Savior has delivered you. Come grabe a copy of 10 Scriptural promises to remind you God wins.
Lyli Dunbar,
Jesus free will “subordination” to the Father doesn’t contradict the TRINITY
Jesus lived in another shape long before his start as a human being in Mary’s womb We know that Jesus Christ didn’t start to exist only some 2000 years ago when he by his own free will …
Annika Björk,
There are apostles in the church today, and we are warned about false apostles
“Apostle” comes from the greek word “apostolos” (Strong’s 652) and means one that is sent forth (with orders or a mission), like a messenger. The very first apo…
Annika Björk,
RÄTTFÄRDIG enligt Bibeln – pga Jesus rättfärdighet eller vår egen?
Predikaren 7:30 Se, endast detta har jag funnit att Gud skapade människorna RÄTTSINNIGA. Men SEDAN har de tänkt ut många onda planer Det finns oändligt många verser som säger att vi är rättfärdiggj…
Annika Björk,
Disciple-Makers, by Mark Setch
Disciple-Makers by Mark Setch Rev Dr Mark Setch adapted this article from his research for his Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Theological Seminary titled “Developing Disciple-Makers: Reclaimin…
Geoff Waugh,

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