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How to Love Your Spouse When Your Nest is ALMOST Empty
The empty nest in married life can be a time of great transition, sadness, adjustment, and even depression. But, it doesn't have to be. Couples can find hope, humor, and great connection when this season comes. Why not stop by the blog today for ideas and tips to make your marriage & relationship sweeter before and during the empty next season??
Melanie Redd,
How to Love Your Spouse When Your Nest is ALMOST Empty
The empty nest in married life can be a time of great transition, sadness, adjustment, and even depression. But, it doesn't have to be. Couples can find hope, humor, and great connection when this season comes. Why not stop by the blog today for ideas and tips to make your marriage & relationship sweeter before and during the empty next season??
Melanie Redd,
How to Love Your Spouse When Your Nest is ALMOST Empty
The empty nest in married life can be a time of great transition, sadness, adjustment, and even depression. But, it doesn’t have to be. Couples can find hope, humor, and great connection when this season comes. Why not stop by the blog today for ideas and tips to make your marriage & relationship sweeter before and during the empty next season??
Melanie Redd,
Do These 3 Things for Those In the Service Industry - Enjoying the Journey
In recent months I have seen so much rude and crude treatment of people who are laboring in the service […]
Scott Pauley,
Recapping the Unholy Trinity of Idolatry
To take down an idol, you have to chase it all the way to its source.
Revive Our Hearts,
How can I honor my in-laws without compromising my faith?
Honoring one's in-laws can be difficult at times when it comes to faith and family. We must respect our extended family members and uphold our beliefs as Christians. How, then, do we strike this careful balance? Now, let us explore some biblical teachings and helpful advice to help us along...
Via Valenzuela,
The Advent of Forgiveness and Reconciliation - Damon J. Gray
This week, we entered a time for Christ-followers that is traditionally referred to as “Advent,” a celebration of the arrival of Jesus, Immanuel, God with us. As with many holidays, this one has been commercialized and all but stripped of its meaning. Much of the populace has no idea that Christmas has anything at all…
Damon J. Gray,
Were it Simply A Matter of Resolve
I admit it. I’m done with resolutions and “trying to do better”. How many times have we tried to start a new year off full of good intentions and resolutions, only to find oursel…
Vickie Munton,
Were it Simply A Matter of Resolve
I admit it. I’m done with resolutions and “trying to do better”. How many times have we tried to start a new year off full of good intentions and resolutions, only to find oursel…
Vickie Munton,
How to honor your mother
As Christians, God commands you to honor and love your parents. This commandment is a cultural norm. It is also a biblical principle that is deeply rooted in faith. Mothers, in particular, hold a special place in each one’s life. They are the ones who carried you in their womb, raised you, and cared for

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